****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

It really did look like awesome fun when they had people play it at E3. I've been disappointed to hear all the negative feedback. :(

well there are plenty more of us who are thoroughly enjoying this more than most other PC shooters atm. The gameplay is totally different to the current PC fave of many, BC2, as it plays more like CoD4 but with less spam. People seem to forget that 'Beta' releases are NOT full games, they are not complete and also lack many features and therefore it's very easy to dismiss a product or incorrectly rubbish it.

all you can do is try it out yourself then see if the gameplay suits you, but remember this game has dedicated servers and the MP is coded by DICE which usually has 'win' written all over it ;p
..tried it again this morning and after giving it a serious go Ive come to the conclusion I was wrong ...

.. this game isnt as bad as I first thought :)

... its way worse !
Pathetic little game really, you have one mode which is a sniper fest (big suprise that on a pc game) and you have another tdm mode which is essentially noob tube spam or people walking aobut holding down the mouse button geting close range kills. Barely any recoil on the guns from what i can see so thats really all thats needed.

Even the skins from a distance are hard to differentiate, the marines are in a whitish colour and so are the "terrorists".
Just encountered my first hacker ALREADY. Only played this game for 15 minutes :mad:
M249 + aimbot + kill streak rewards = rage quit. The guy 'BumbleBee' was just walking into the defenders base head-shotting everyone, couldn't get a shot at him without being killed first. He was on 55-1 when I quit.

Just encoutered this BumbleBee hacker aswell, what a low life, suppose this is what this game is going to attrack more of really, hope punkbuster kicks in soon.

I'm slightly disappointed to see so many bad reviews of this beta. I was hoping respawn entertainment had pitched in some of there cod4 magic but I assume this is not the case
I'm slightly disappointed to see so many bad reviews of this beta. I was hoping respawn entertainment had pitched in some of there cod4 magic but I assume this is not the case

Well theyve only been a company for a couple of month now, doubt theyve had much if any hands on time with this.
Just encoutered this BumbleBee hacker aswell, what a low life, suppose this is what this game is going to attrack more of really, hope punkbuster kicks in soon.


I was in that game as well (obviously!). What a proper looser, I bet the guy's a total douche! :p

I think I'll skip it now, the camping is really awful. I think there's potential for it to be a fun game but the maps are utter pants.
i gave it another try and i still not impressed with it bfbc2 wins hands down even withou t the new patch and rubber knife, i wont be picking this up
well there are plenty more of us who are thoroughly enjoying this more than most other PC shooters atm. The gameplay is totally different to the current PC fave of many, BC2, as it plays more like CoD4 but with less spam. People seem to forget that 'Beta' releases are NOT full games, they are not complete and also lack many features and therefore it's very easy to dismiss a product or incorrectly rubbish it.

all you can do is try it out yourself then see if the gameplay suits you, but remember this game has dedicated servers and the MP is coded by DICE which usually has 'win' written all over it ;p

Beta's are a more a less the finished product with most of the content in, at this stage they aren't going to be doing any major changes, rather just tweaks..

I'd love to try this out but i don't wanna shell out £30 on a bc2 clone that i probably won't enjoy.
I don't get these twitch based fps games. Everyone might as well be running around with death inducing laser pens, just sweep the cursor over the enemy with the bullets spraying and down they go. I know its only beta but I much prefer BC2 gameplay.

I miss the old MOH games where it took a lot more bullets to down people, made firefights much much more enjoyable.
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Beta's are a more a less the finished product with most of the content in, at this stage they aren't going to be doing any major changes, rather just tweaks..

Slight addition but while it's true that betas are often nearly finished products used mostly for marketing purposes, there are some actual beta tests still going on PC. It's usually smaller studios doing it and these days they often get a lot of crap because their betas are lacking and buggy like betas used to be, but people are expecting nearly finished products..

I prefer beta being beta meaning buggy and constantly under development and demo being a demo of the game. But marketing people found out selling demos as betas gets you more pre-orders and you can still hide behind the "it's just a beta" statement while RUINING the actual meaning of beta test.
Are you kidding me they have put the n00b tube in this game ala MW2? That is my most hated thing on MW2, that stupid noise and then boom your dead over and over again, killed by some no skill no aim noob tubing moron. Tell me this isnt the case!?
Are you kidding me they have put the n00b tube in this game ala MW2? That is my most hated thing on MW2, that stupid noise and then boom your dead over and over again, killed by some no skill no aim noob tubing moron. Tell me this isnt the case!?

the noobtube IS in the game but the good news is that you practically have to hit the target square on for it to kill, out of about 200 deaths maybe 5 or so have been from the nubetoob...
the noobtube IS in the game but the good news is that you practically have to hit the target square on for it to kill, out of about 200 deaths maybe 5 or so have been from the nubetoob...

The only kill I got with it was by luck really, got someone in the head with it.

RPG is still good for destroying vehicles though.
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yeah explosives are dummed down quite a lot from BFBC2, nades launches have to be a direct hit by the look of it, grenades also the same if they land two or three feet away you survive, I used a RPG on a guy squatting in a corner, it took 2 direct hits for some reason to kill him
Nades and 40mm launchers are useless, you have to literally get it within 1mm of the persons feet for it to work, if I see the grenade indicator next to me I wont even bother moving anymore never kills me lol
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