****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

do you still get the rest of the beta to try out or will they stop you playing.

When I cancelled my BC2 through Steam it would still show up in my games list but I was unable to play it through Steam ... what I was able to do was go into the Steam games folder and create a shortcut to it and it worked fine playing outside of steam :)
Well I was going to hold off this but one of my gaming buddies has just gifted me it on Steam as he loves it and I said I would love it when I said it would suck.

I have come from a long line of MP FPS games. FarCry to BF2 to now BC2 and now will try this. Will report back later. :)
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have people all ready passed this up

I cancelled my preorder with EA last week (and they were very prompt I might add) as I just wasn't playing the beta at all after trying it for a few hours. I might get it after release, when the price comes down, to play on my laptop from time to time (BC2 is too cpu intensive to run well on it :() but it just isn't as much fun as BC2 and feels a little too arcadey for me.

The beta does still work after I cancelled though.
Well I was going to hold off this but one of my gaming buddies has just gifted me it on Steam as he loves it and I said I would love it when I said it would suck.

I have come from a long line of MP FPS games. FarCry to BF2 to now BC2 and now will try this. Will report back later. :)

Ok it has had half an hour and these are my honest thoughts.

1. Some little twerp has nicked my online gaming name so I am pretty peeved about this. :mad:

2. It is VERY consoley. This a game for a console and pad for definite.

3. I know this is a BETA but BC2 feels a lot more of a game than this.

Still, wait for full release but the beta ain't likely to be getting more than a few more hours the map is just too small.

Back to BC2. :)
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After seeing some mp footage my expectations for this game were pretty low but having played it for a few days I think I'll get this on release.

Yeah its a bit arcadey and most players seem to want to end each life as quickly as possible but Ive had a lot of fun taking it slowly, flanking and picking off enemies.

Its not spectacular by any means buts its pretty solid, has potential and Ive had a lot of fun with it. Its been a while since Ive played a shooter thats had me lose track of time as Ive gotten stuck in.
Thought I'd check toe official boards to see what people think, what a pit of illiteracy and vitriol that place is :( .
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Enjoying the Beta, runs very nicely for me - wasn't expecting too much from this either but I can easily see this shaping up to be my favourite shooter.
Indeed, I too have been pleasantly surprised. Got a beta key as i was bored. It's not ground breaking but it's certainly solid and by release it should be better. A refreshing change. Relief for the moment that there aren't too many noob tubes also bullet damage seems slightly higher (?) than other arcade shooters which is cool.
Absolutely loving the beta, walks all over MW2 and BC2 for me, however I do have some serious gripe with it - game is constantly crashing out every few mins, literally as I get a kill streak. Sometimes it will go entire games and be fine, other times I can join a server and be kicked out again within 4 kills :(
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