****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Absolutely loving the beta, walks all over MW2 and BC2 for me.

Modern Warfare 2 wasn't ever going to be as good as CoD 4 or WaW because they had to try and improve over the engine, which inevitably failed.

Medal of Honor has always [in my opinion] been a good game, throughout single player and multiplayer. Despite i liked the multiplayer on the beta, i'm still worried about MoH's future specifically on the multiplayer because Dice are in control of it and i haven't been impressed with what they have done with BC2.

People forget that they loved BC2 when it first came out, but Dice slowly messed things up with the patches which created a lot of people to neglect the game because Dice were lacking when it came to patching, this is specifically what worries me for MoH.
yes I have BC2...but bought it through EA Store, Ea downloader thingy. I thought the MOH beta was only available free to steam purchasers of BC2??

I think it is, and it wasn't free when i bloody got the MoH Beta, i had to pre-order the damn game...
non destructible environments are a step backwards after BFC2. shame but I don't see how this has moved it on since the last outing.

That doesn't matter currently, it seems whatever DICE touches from now on, it just turns to crap.
Cease fire! After six weeks, the Medal of Honor beta will be ending for the PlayStation 3 and PC on July 31st, 2010. We at DICE appreciate all of you who took the first step toward Tier 1 and participated in the beta – your contribution is invaluable and will only help improve the final game. Unfortunately, a PC beta patch will not be released. We have implemented a number of changes and fixes, however, that will appear in the final game – many of which were originated from your feedback! Here are a few of those:

• Improved hit detection
• Breath control for all classes
• Crash fixes
• Improved control input mapping
• In-game HUD polished
• All weapon stats are now updated in the spawn menu
• Spawn points tweaked

For our Xbox fans, the battle rages on! The beta will be extended for the Xbox 360 until August 9th, 2010. Thank you to all of you for continuing to provide us with excellent feedback!

On October 12, we hope to see you back on the battlefield! Please continue to visit our forums, Twitter page, and Facebook page for further Medal of Honor updates.

I can see why some people are angry with it, but MW and MW2 are just as bad as thios game. If anything, MW2 was worse because of the scene in the airport where you shoot civilians. In my opinion it shouldn't be banned, but at the same time, I think game developers ought to be a bit more thoughtful with regards to things like this.

Well, you could say that COD copied Counter Stike, Counter Strike copied Delta Force and Delta Force copied Wolfenstein 3D because that was the first FPS. Just because it is modern does not mean it is the same as other modern games, hopefully it will come in at a different angle than the COD series and make improvements of the biggest letdown ever- MW2. Infinity Ward sold their soul, so I think someone who cares about the community should step up to the plate.
Seriously, now some people want this game to be banned, I can just LOL, its only a game for gods sake!


Liam Fox is caught between a rock and hard place on this one. If a journalist phones and asks "What do you think of this game that lets you kill british soldiers?" he's GOT to say "I deplore it" etc rather than "Well, it's just a game" in which case the journalist prints "Defence Minister approves of killing troops" etc.

It IS just a game, I must have "killed" 1000's of WW2 allied & nazi soldiers, viet cong & US marines, aliens & spacemen, terrorists & SWAT teams. It's simply one "team" vs another with no other thought given (except which has the best weapons maybe) to what each "team" actually stand for, otherwise no-one would play the game as everyone would want to be the Goodies. Yes there will be an incredibly small amount of people who will play this and Want to be the Taliban because of there own beliefs but they could do this on lots of other "War on Terror" games (although the baddies "Team" wouldn't be called the Taliban - there'd be called a non-controversial name).

As an aside, on the Modern Warfare 2 level which involves killing civilians if you don't want to then don't, the game doesn't "force" you to and you can finish the level without "killing" a single civilian.

You goats getting a server?

Possibly mate.

Need to do something as BC2 has decimated our clan. We still have our 32 slot vanilla which is peaking at about 12 a night. I also set up a Squad Deathmatch server which occasionally got busy. I even flipped it back to 16 slot BF2 to see if peeps wanted to try it again but everyone has gone far too past BF2 now or just drifted away as they don't like BC2. :(

Gone from 33 regular players on BF2 to about 15 who play BC2, most of them occasionally. Down to about 5-7 regular players.

BC2 = not a clan game.

Not sure if MOH will resurrect things, I suspect not as everyone is waiting for BF3.

I got 4 with it on pre-order so might drum up enough interest to get a server which will be at the expense of a few slots on the BC2 server.
most peeps have gone back to cod 4 promod im sure medal of honor will be fun like bfbc2 for a while but you have cod black ops a few weeks after and that will kill half of people who may play it . also price of servers for medal of honor compared to cod is less than half so black ops will have the masses . those that cant run newer games wil just play cod 4 and cs
Possibly mate.

Need to do something as BC2 has decimated our clan. We still have our 32 slot vanilla which is peaking at about 12 a night. I also set up a Squad Deathmatch server which occasionally got busy. I even flipped it back to 16 slot BF2 to see if peeps wanted to try it again but everyone has gone far too past BF2 now or just drifted away as they don't like BC2. :(

Gone from 33 regular players on BF2 to about 15 who play BC2, most of them occasionally. Down to about 5-7 regular players.

BC2 = not a clan game.

Not sure if MOH will resurrect things, I suspect not as everyone is waiting for BF3.

I got 4 with it on pre-order so might drum up enough interest to get a server which will be at the expense of a few slots on the BC2 server.

Same happend to us mate, we had around 25 on vent and all 4 of our servers full. However BC2 seemed to kill clans. Luckily we have a core of 10 - 15 guys who play what ever the other is playing.

However our BC2 section has gone nuts again, after playing it at i-series every1 got back into it and is happy playing it.

Just have to wait and see what happened... i just cant see any FPS games coming out that will be as good as CSS, BF2, CoD4 etc... the only one i'm pinning my hopes on are BF3! If that doesn't pull it off then i cant see how FPS pc gaming will ever pick up again!

You guys are always welcome to join us if things dont pick up mate!
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