****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Well I have bitten the bullet and pre-ordered a 24 slot MOh server.

Multiplay are offering 30% discount so bagged one for 3 months.

Damn BC2 server does not expire till December I though it was next month. More money in the clan bank account than I thought. :D
Could be new beta is an attempt to claw back PC players after the last effort.
No perks as I understand it, just ability to call in airstrikes, etc based on your current score in-round. I'm in, more atmospheric than CoD in my opinion.
I found the CB fantastic fun and I'm really looking forward to the full release so news of an open beta is marvelous. Gameplay was fast and frantic, perfect for a few rounds of mindless violent fun.
It really isnt, it feels arkward and horrid, bc2 does not.

its based on bfbc2 engine its got very similar graphics but they have lessoned the recoil and tried to crossbreed cod into it.

thing is cod come out like three or four weeks later so for a short while it will be ok then cod will come out and everyone will be playing that.

also medal of honr servers are like three times as much the game is destined to be a stop gap game.

i may get it (stop gap till cod ) i may not . the beta was pretty fail with crashes and so on this is why your getting another crack at it so you dont forget the game cause your getting cod.
its based on bfbc2 engine its got very similar graphics but they have lessoned the recoil and tried to crossbreed cod into it.

thing is cod come out like three or four weeks later so for a short while it will be ok then cod will come out and everyone will be playing that.

also medal of honr servers are like three times as much the game is destined to be a stop gap game.

i may get it (stop gap till cod ) i may not . the beta was pretty fail with crashes and so on this is why your getting another crack at it so you dont forget the game cause your getting cod.

not sure what problems you had with the beta as it was perfectly stable with no crashes or glitches, myself and friends racked up hours and hours with no problems so possibly it was driver issue's ? but then beta's are exactly that, work in progress so you have to understand things don't always work perfectly.

CoD series is more a console franchise now, the last one was quite dire and the new one looks like the same churn with a few different maps ; also arent PC users forced to rent dedicated servers from only one provider for this release ? I'll wait on reviews before making proper judgements but it doesnt float my boat' if you know what I mean ..
CoD series is more a console franchise now, the last one was quite dire and the new one looks like the same churn with a few different maps ; also arent PC users forced to rent dedicated servers from only one provider for this release ?

agree on your first part, and yeah, you can only rent servers from one place which is a scam tbh :p
Let's see, CoD 4 was released in 2007 and essentially nothing has changed with the franchise since. Treyarch are bustin' a gut to get PC players back but I don't see what the attraction is? Same old same old.

DICE are rockin' it at the moment. BF:BC2 is THE defining multiplayer FPS now and MOH is an extension of that. TBH, consoles can keep CoD, MOH will be better in every way. That is, unless you like perks blah.

I hope it isn't a stop-gap game. Perhaps a stop-gap until the Vietnam expansion. Kick Cod in the ovaries and get behind modern gaming I recon. I know been said a thousand times before.
DICE are rockin' it at the moment. BF:BC2 is THE defining multiplayer FPS now and MOH is an extension of that. TBH, consoles can keep CoD, MOH will be better in every way.


BC2 is no where near the "defining" multi-player game and MOH will no where as near be as good.

Black Ops will be the next best FPS game guaranteed, only let down is the servers.
lol cod 4 is still best fps and counterstrike bfbc2 just looks pretty cod 4 destroys it so does cs and i dont even play cs.

call of duty is the big game whether you like it now or not. its will sell ten times as many as bfbc2 and moh put together .

as for one server company so what ? low ping does it matter ? who owns it.

black ops will be three times cheaper than bfbc2 servers and medal of honour servers and more popular :D i wonder what will happen to them games then :p

the same thing happened last time airbourne came out it came out was a farse then cod 4 came out and wiped the floor and still is one of biggest games going.

get ready for a repeat.;)
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