****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

I've no doubt Black Ops will be the most accessible and popular game of the two. I just think you'll need to use your brain a bit more with MOH.

Show me a better FPS on PC than BC2?
Personally think BF2 is better overall.

I totally agree with you. BF2 is my favourite game of all time. http://bf2s.com/player/43685047/ ;)

I suppose I did not get my point across properly. What I meant was in the current gen games. BF2 is 5 years old now and while it is epic, it is showing its age.

If people are bringing out war FPS shooters now or soon, BC2 is the benchmark. :)
CoD4 - superb game, narrow tho
BF2 - fair do's
CSS - bunny-hoppers
BF2142 - just

Is there nothing in the last 3 years any good/better?

Why 3 years? If people are still saying BF2 is better considering the time it came out, then BC2 isn't the defining factor on the way multiplayer FPS's should go. BC2 hasn't taken masses of players to the game, it's still clearly obvious that players prefer games that came out 5 years+ ago over the modern generation of multiplayer FPS', there is still a lot of work to be done considering a lot of Battlefield veterans want games like BF2, so BF2 imo, is still the defining multiplayer FPS.
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Change list for upcoming beta

"We've made a number of changes to the final version of Medal of Honor thanks to your feedback delivered from the Medal of Honor beta.

Improved and fixed hit detection code
- Improved soldier hit box
- Decreased interpolation time

Various Fixes
- Toggle crouch is functional
- Added weapon pickup feature
- Spawn points tweaked
- Spawn system features added to fix exploits
- Level collisions fixed
- Level exploits fixed
- Level and environment specific shaders for characters and weapons
- Improved lightning and effects on all levels
- Tweaked combat areas to prevent base ♥♥♥♥♥♥
- Unlock tree expanded with F2000, G3A4 and P90 PDW forh both teams
- Tactical Support Actions score tweaked
- Increased zoom in speed for sniper rifles
- Fixed the delay after firing a bolt action sniper rifle
- Improved ragdolls
- Character visibility tweaked
- 3P muzzle flashes size decreased on all weapons
- Getting hit effects tweaked
- Crashes fixed when using Scoreboard, support actions and connectivity issues
- M3A3 tank engine improved
- M3A3 armor increased
- M3A3 damage increased
- C4 disappear faster after the played died
- C4 can be exploded by hand grenades or rockets but not by bullets
- UAV mesh visible for both teams
- UAV health tweaked

Improved control input mapping
- Major text overhauls
- Major graphical overhauls in the menu and HUD
- Tweaked point system HUD effects
- Tweaked support action HUD effects
- In-game HUD polished
- Kill messages fixed
- Options and screen align fixed
- Added the option to “quit” before spawning
- Total team score fix
- Revamped loading screens
- Clip is now named Magazine
- HP ammo becomes Open-tip ammunition
- Knifes hit detection fixed
- Mouse input suppressing removed
- Mouse aiming is consistent over the board with all weapons
- Knife animations tweaked
- Updated sounds
- Overall improved animations
- Rifleman kit balance
- Weapon damage increased over the board
- M16 and M4 difference increased as long versus close combat rifles

Assault rifles
- M16 damage increased
- 25% recoil increased
- Open-tip ammo damage increased
- 40% recoil increased when using Open-tip ammo
- AK47 damage increased
- 25% recoil increased
- Open-tip ammo damage increased
- 40% recoil increased when using Open-tip ammo

Light Machine Guns
- M249 damage increased
- Camera spring effect added
- Recoil increased
- Faster recoil decrease after firing
- Open-tip ammo damage increased
- Open-tip recoil increased
- PKM damage increased
- Camera spring effect added
- Recoil increased
- Faster recoil decrease after firing
- Open-tip ammo damage increased
- Open-tip recoil increased

- M4 damage increased
- Accuracy increased
- Firing rate increased
- 24% more recoil
- Open-tip ammo increased
- Open-tip recoil increased by 20%
- AKS74u damage increased
- Accuracy increased
- Firing rate increased
- 24% more recoil
- Open-tip ammo increased
- Open-tip recoil increased by 20%

Combat rifles
- M21/SVD accuracy increased
- M21 and SVD scopes off-center bug fixed
- Camera spring effect added
- Open-tip recoil increased by 10%

Sniper rifles
- M24/SV-98 damage increased
- Breath control tweaked
- Breath control now works with any class if you pick up a bolt-action sniper rifle
- Zoomed in mouse-speed increased
- Open-tip ammo increased

- Remington / TOZ-194 shell damage increased
- Shotgun shell “no spread” bug fixed
- Shotgun Slugs damage more close up and less at long distance

- M9 / Tariq pistols damage increased
- Accuracy increased
- Firing rate increased

- Hand grenade cooking time increased
- Increased splash damage radius
- Smoke grenade cooking time increased
- Radius decreased and damage increased

Support actions
- Defensive support actions are activated directly when triggered
- Improved Support Action HUD
- Improved missile vs. ground detection
- Fixed bugs where holes in windows blocked Support Actions
- Missile speed increased
- Tweaked down screen effect when using Defensive support action armor
- Strafe run bullets stops firing where the marker is set

New points table making Support actions harder to get
- Mortar Strike 50p
- Rocket strike 100p
- Missile 175p
- Artillery 250p
- Strafe run 350p
- Bomb run 450p
- Cruise missile 600p
__________________________________________________ ________________________

PC Servers
"Medal of Honor will operate on dedicated servers, and while the executable will not be released publically, servers will be available for rent through the following selected game server providers:

- 4NetPlayers
- Art of War Central
- BrainStorm Network
- Branzone Inc.
- Clan-Server.at
- Computer Games.ro
- Diabolic Servers
- Dovermed
- Eliott Ness
- Fragnetics
- ForTeam.ru
- GameArena
- GameHosting.co.uk
- Gameservers.com
- Hosters.at
- Hypegamez
- Hypernia
- i3D
- Ibertbit.es
- iGame
- KillerCreation
- LeetServers
- Low Ping Game Servers
- MecaHost
- Multigamer.no
- Multiplay
- MyInternetServices
- Newlight Systems
- Nuclearfallout
- On3 Network
- Primary Target
- Rackage
- SAIX Games Service
- SwissQuake.ch
- Web Africa
- XFactorServers

Anyone who rents a server will be able to control it through the game server provider's admin panel along with the game server's remote administration interface. The remote administration interface is a very simple command console, which will be included with the server's documentation. However, with that being said, it would be much easier to use one of the graphical clients that are developed by various independent tool developers.

We have offered the following developers pre-release access to the game client and server, in hope that their tools will be ready in time for the game's launch:

- MOHCC (by the creators of BC2CC)
- ProCon
- Big Brother Bot (B3)
- Other tool developers are welcome to join in as soon as the game has launched.

Now on to ranked and unranked modes. When the server runs in ranked mode, any score and awards that a player collects is reported to the master servers. The server administrator is required to abide by the "Rules of Engagement," so you and everyone else can enjoy an entertaining online experience. In unranked mode, no player progression is reported to the master servers. However, the server administrator has more control and can apply arbitrary game rules. All game modes support a maximum of 24 players.

Medal of Honor also supports PunkBuster. It is up to each server administrator to enable this option on his or her server. However, if the server is ranked, then PunkBuster is mandatory. We have sent out pre-release game builds to the following organizations to ensure compatibility with streaming services before launch:

- PBBans
- GGC-Stream
- PunksBusted

There is also an option to to reserve dedicated server slots on the game server. Each reserve slot will replace a normal spectate slot. Spectators will be allowed to free-flight around the map, however there is no 1st/3rd person spectate option as well as no demo recording feature."

Nice of them to fix hit detection for an unreleased game while bc2 hit detection is still borked...:rolleyes:
It's an impressive list of changes being made for the upcomming Open Beta and I for one cannot wait to test it out. I find BC2 quite a bland experience these days with many mates simply not willing to boot it up.
It's an impressive list of changes being made for the upcomming Open Beta and I for one cannot wait to test it out. I find BC2 quite a bland experience these days with many mates simply not willing to boot it up.

The pc beta of bc2 had a large list of changes as well, probably as large as this if not larger and its still buggy.

I hear theres another beta starting on the 12th of October in America. :p
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Was thinking of getting this + you get Battlefield 3 Multiplayer BETA Access.

Looking at videos it just looks like BC2 but with some new skins and stuff. I loved BF2 and mohaa, spearhead and breakthrough. However the new MOH doesnt look like any of them. I either want a nice polished team game like BF2 or a simple but extrememly playable FPS like MOH breakthrough/MOHAA/Spearhead. I really hate all the airstrike type crap and stupid awards

Anyone have high hopes for the BF3 beta at least?

Also the due for release date has now moved from 4th October to 15th October
okay so if you visit http://www.medalofhonor.com/pcopenbeta you can start your download for the new BETA !!! 4th Oct - 7th Oct !!!

Full game released a week later.. finally :D

Start Date: October 4 | End Date: October 7, 11:59 PDT
Grab your MREs and prepare to spend four days playing two new maps and modes for the multiplayer version of Medal of Honor. Anyone can download and play. All that is required is an EA Account when you launch the game and to accept the beta agreement.
Recommended System Requirements

Operating System: Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7. Processor: QuadCore 2.0Ghz. Memory: 2GB RAM+. Video Card: A video card with 512MB of VRAM and one of the following chipsets: NVIDIA GeForce GTX260; ATI Raedeon 4870. HDD Space: 2GB. Soundcard: Soundcard with DirectX 10 compatibility. DirectX: DirectX 10. Disc Drive: 16X CD/DVD Drive.
Some Tips

If you already have the Medal of Honor Closed Beta game client (from this past June's Beta) installed on your machine, then uninstall that before installing the Open Beta game client.
In order to see pings in the server browser, you need to run the program as Administrator.
It amazes me they have the nads to call this a BETA this close to release. Its obviously a pre-release demo but they call it BETA so any obvious bugs their blind testers missed can be explained away with ease.
Oh and it seems EA have backed down on using the name Taliban in mp:

Electronic Arts announced it is renaming the opposing side in the game's multiplayer to "Opposing Force" in response to the media controversy that erupted last month when it was discovered players could pit Taliban forces against U.S. soldiers.

Read more: http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/112/1124736p1.html#ixzz118h7JIjn
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