****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

I'm beginning to get fed up with all the boyscouts in this game. If anything it's worse than MW2. Find a corner, ideally with a small gap to see through to a choke point, stay there all game? Dull and boring! Also annoyed at the 'Kill/Death ratio defeats all!' people that show no interest in capping objectives and just want to shoot. One game the guy with the highest kill count was on the losing side cos he didn't cap at all. Does my head in.

One thing I'm also annoyed about is the skill levels? managed to go down a few points, where's the fun in that? yes you might say you get better at the game. What it really means is you start to camp more and don't go anywhere far in order to make sure you keep a positive K/D count. Not fun in my book.
I'm not sure how skill level works but it isn't necessarily tied down to a good K/D ratio. In one match I had something like a 20/2 ratio but my team lost and I lost something like 15 points, whilst in the next match I had a crap round but I gained 25 points.
I'm not sure how skill level works but it isn't necessarily tied down to a good K/D ratio. In one match I had something like a 20/2 ratio but my team lost and I lost something like 15 points, whilst in the next match I had a crap round but I gained 25 points.

it also goes on helping your team and what skill level the player is who kills you / who u kill

I seem to be one of the few that is actually enjoying the multiplayer quite a lot :D

its good, even better if u play in a team.. theres a good few people who use vent that play together good crack
Same, I've found the only ones complaining about it seem to be, no offence to them, pretty dire at it...

That's a rather false statement, if you're not feeling/getting into a game, you tend to not be as good as you usually are due to the loss of enthusiasm.
That's a rather false statement, if you're not feeling/getting into a game, you tend to not be as good as you usually are due to the loss of enthusiasm.

I'd imagine it works the other way as well. Generally enthusiastic but poor performance kicks the morale.

Hmm, seemed to have described 90% of this forums sex life :D


I have the issue with SC2. When I'm winning I love it, start losing and I am less willing to play.

Nobody likes losing, and people tend to blame something else for it.

I had an awful night on MOH last night and really couldn't be bothered playing it, no doubt tonight I will play and have a blast. Team balance is playing a huge part of it and things will be tweaked etc.
Had a bit more of a game on MP last night. Wow, my attitude has changed somewhat. We were playing Team Assault, the enemy team just all camp as snipers, kill everyone, get airstrikes/mortar/missle, rinse and repeat.

It sure feels like they did very little play testing on this.

Back to BFBC2, more my kind of game anyhow :)
Had a bit more of a game on MP last night. Wow, my attitude has changed somewhat. We were playing Team Assault, the enemy team just all camp as snipers, kill everyone, get airstrikes/mortar/missle, rinse and repeat.

It sure feels like they did very little play testing on this.

Back to BFBC2, more my kind of game anyhow :)

A plugin to limit snipers can't come soon enough. It completely kills teamwork when 4-5 players insist on not moving just to get the kill awards.

TDM its not a big deal but anything Objective orientated its annoying as hell. People not "playing" will get a few nudges from our server admins and if they insist on not contributing only K/D whoring they will be kicked.
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Same with me, my scores were very good during the closed and open beta.

Did you both still buy the game?

What did you think was going to be different between a beta/demo and final game?
A plugin to limit snipers can't come soon enough. It completely kills teamwork when 4-5 players insist on not moving just to get the kill awards.

TDM its not a big deal but anything Objective orientated its annoying as hell. People not "playing" will get a few nudges from our server admins and if they insist on not contributing only K/D whoring they will be kicked.

Maybe I got the game mode wrong. Is was the one where you have to take a series of capture points. I agree though, anything with objectives and teamwork is a joke due to this.
Did you both still buy the game?

What did you think was going to be different between a beta/demo and final game?

You know i bought the game, like i said previously, i just lost enthusiasm when it came to playing it when it was released, the same day i lost interest in playing BF:BC2, i just grew bored which is why i'm taking a break and playing MMO's instead and PvPing, pretty much the same reason as Lyon.
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Just played about 45 minutes on MP and it is just awful.

Pure and simple.

This one guy GuppieNL was getting 60-70-80 to 1 kills pounding the spawn points while he team mates had like 6/5 ratios it was stupid.

I cannot see myself ever playing that game again.


Every server I played last night had at least one guy getting 60 or 70 (one time even 92 kills) to something stupid like 3 deaths! the rest of the server had just normal scores.

I actually like the feel of the guns and the graphics are good (IMO) just shame it seems multihacks are already available and it really spoils the game.

Hacking on larger maps (ie BC2) is not so bad as there is still a huge map and team play is much more important. But on a small map its devastating, it was funny at one point I just watched this guy walk in and just sprayed dead 6 people immediately and instantly they all dropped to the floor! what a waste of money!
You know i bought the game, like i said previously, i just lost enthusiasm when it came to playing it when it was released, the same day i lost interest in playing BF:BC2, i just grew bored which is why i'm taking a break and playing MMO's instead and PvPing, pretty much the same reason as Lyon.

I actually didn't :) Don't think I played with you...

You lost interest in BC2 way before didn't you? Why buy a game you had already lost interest in? I don't get it. :confused:
I actually didn't :) Don't think I played with you...

You lost interest in BC2 way before didn't you? Why buy a game you had already lost interest in? I don't get it. :confused:

I did like BF:BC2 for a while and i bought it when it was released, but i eventually and gradually over time started to get bored again.

You mean why buy MoH? I thought i'd keep it for the SP...:(
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You mean why buy MoH? I thought i'd keep it for the SP...:(

ahh bad call :p

I'd never buy a game for single player at full whack. Unless its a rpg with a good amount of replay/story.

FPS' are all the same, boredom kicks in but the itch always comes back. I haven't played BC2 in a long while due to RPGS and PS3 stuff and I enjoy playing MOH.

Hope it settles competitively.
I have no doubt sometime along the lines i'll install it again and play MP when i get the urge to play FPS' again.

Just ignore the going's on on the right screen ;)

I've always loved competitive FPS games ever since the Counter-Strike betas, and been hooked ever since. Haven't played competitively for far too long though due to certain "circumstances" surrounding some people I used to play CS with (namely one chap quitting PC gaming altogether because I "clearly hacked") and CS:S as well; this game just brings me right back to those roots and I love it.

This isn't a casual shooter in my opinion, it's a serious FPS game. If you want a social FPS, go buy TF2 or BC2, that's where the communities are, MOH is for teams to be honest...

Now if only I could speak german to join up the esl.de leagues for MOH... :(
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