****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Just ignore the going's on on the right screen ;)

I've always loved competitive FPS games ever since the Counter-Strike betas, and been hooked ever since. Haven't played competitively for far too long though due to certain "circumstances" surrounding some people I used to play CS with (namely one chap quitting PC gaming altogether because I "clearly hacked") and CS:S as well; this game just brings me right back to those roots and I love it.

This isn't a casual shooter in my opinion, it's a serious FPS game. If you want a social FPS, go buy TF2 or BC2, that's where the communities are, MOH is for teams to be honest...

Now if only I could speak german to join up the esl.de leagues for MOH... :(

Impressive, but seriously scores like that shouldn't be possible really. I can't imagine you got that score by being stuck into the action.
Impressive, but seriously scores like that shouldn't be possible really. I can't imagine you got that score by being stuck into the action.

If you knew how I play or talked to anyone I play with, you'd know that I despise anyone that sits still, I can't physically stay in the same place for anything more than a few seconds, I barely ever stop moving in this game, I'm always in the thick of it ;)
If you knew how I play or talked to anyone I play with, you'd know that I despise anyone that sits still, I can't physically stay in the same place for anything more than a few seconds, I barely ever stop moving in this game, I'm always in the thick of it ;)

I can vouch for him.

Wriggly little bugger he is :P
I am beginning to very much like this game. Had some epic rounds with a few mates in Vent last night. I appear to be better at this than at BC2 which helps. It is slowly dawning on me that this is more my kind of game in my old age. Not to much to think about just smoke > run > hide > shoot.

My only gripes are lack of squads and being able to spawn on one. Also spawn at front, sometimes spawns you in the base.
I am beginning to very much like this game. Had some epic rounds with a few mates in Vent last night. I appear to be better at this than at BC2 which helps. It is slowly dawning on me that this is more my kind of game in my old age. Not to much to think about just smoke > run > hide > shoot.

My only gripes are lack of squads and being able to spawn on one. Also spawn at front, sometimes spawns you in the base.

aye the spawn system is parp. infuriating spawning right next to an enemy, spawn, die, spawn, die etc. also the lack of squads is poor and there's no ability to "spot", which is sorely lacking.

my general conclusion is that BC2 is far more geared towards RTS style organisation and teamwork and MOH is more "every man for himself" run in and shoot the crap out of anything that moves. both have their merits but for long-term playability I really think MOH has gone in the wrong direction.

i do wish BC2 had killstreaks though :)
Starting to come around to this game after a couple of days play, got some crazy scores yesterday.

Can anyone tell me how to enable vsync? The option is just greyed out for me and I don't know how to force it through nvidia CP as I bought it on Steam and can't browse to the .exe file.

Also, anyone notice the enemy seem to be carrying bullets that go round corners?
Starting to come around to this game after a couple of days play, got some crazy scores yesterday.

Can anyone tell me how to enable vsync? The option is just greyed out for me and I don't know how to force it through nvidia CP as I bought it on Steam and can't browse to the .exe file.

Also, anyone notice the enemy seem to be carrying bullets that go round corners?

probably best not to think about the AI too hard, i don't think EA did :P

i think there's an ini file hack for enabling vsync. mine would only be usable when I ran the game at full native screen res.
Whoever asked on the other (now closed thread) how to turn on V Sync, here is the answer -

My documents > EA Games > Medal of Honor > Multiplayer > Settings.ini.

Open it in notepad and change: VSync=true

gunna try get this going soon after the ea sillyness of yesterday

need 4 people to start ill be on soon easiest way of adding is just put dgeesiogaming in the search bar on server list
First mission looks pretty good so far, if the Nightvision and Breach parts seems strangely familiar, but the mouse speed is set very high by default and there does not appear to be an option in settings to change it. Does anyone know how to do this? I looked a couple of times but can't see anything in the options.

[edit] There is no option in the game to fix mouse senstivity! Not a good sign, but early days. Found it in: S:\USERNAME\My Documents\EA Games\Medal of Honor\Config

sixth line = MouseSensitivity
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