****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Correct, more like 30mins then you realise it's utter crap! ;)

I absolutely love it. Back to basics, good old fashioned online shooter. The combat missions are excellent, especially the one where you attack the airfield, a really enjoyable game. I'm definately going to clock more hours on the weekend.
not sure if the patch notes have been posted here, sooo...

A second PC patch is on the way for Medal of Honor's multiplayer. We have been working on the feedback from the forums that you posted during the PC beta. We are listening to your major concerns and are pleased to show you the change/fix list.
• Fixed the scenario when joining a friend on a password protected server caused a hang
• Ribbons and medals appear on unranked servers
• Jumping and shooting at the same time now affects the ability to be accurate with the weapons
• Added aiming spot in binoculars in hardcore mode
• Holding your breath and moving forward no longer takes you out of scope
• Modifications in weapon behaviour *see weapon tweaks below
• Increased the points needed to win a Domination/TDM game
-- Increased TDM score from 1200 to 1400 points
-- Increased Sector Control score from 1800 to 2600 points
• Decreased accuracy while shooting from the hip
• Cut points from score chain rewards in half
• Addressed the sniper rifle damage to bring the sniper rifle more in line with the other kits
• Increased the amount of recoil and spread *see weapon tweaks below
• Changed immortal time to 1.9 from 1.6 seconds after spawn to prevent the scenario of spawning in the open only to be shot on spawn in

Assault Rifles
-- Increased recoil
-- Deviation
--- Increased deviation when not zooming
--- Deviation bug fixed (increased while shooting)
-- Lowered close range damage
-- Jumping deviation increased
-- Increased recoil
-- Deviation
--- Increased deviation when not zooming
--- Deviation increses faster than assault rifles
--- Deviation bug fixed (increased while shooting)
-- Jumping deviation increased
Sniper rifles
-- Headshot does the most damage
-- Less damage from bolt action
--- 2 shots to kill on body from long range
--- 1 shot on body from short range
---- Normal: 8m
---- Ammo 2: 10m
---- Range: 9.6m
-- Increased recoil on semi-automatic
-- Damage by hit point
--- Head
---- Headshots as before
--- Body
---- Body shots as before
--- Arms and legs
---- 20% less damage

no release date, but some needed changes .. hurrah !!
Interesting patch.

Like the damage changes for arm/legs and the bolt action snipers. It worries me how they are essentially going to be slower firing Battle Rifles though. 2shots to the body for the battle rifles surely is going to be increased to reflect this or is the recoil alone going to change?
any one up for helping start the server need four to get her going wont take long add dgeesiogaming in search bar to find cheers . will be adding a free mumble later any one from ocuk can use it to chat to each other.

any one up for helping start the server need four to get her going wont take long add dgeesiogaming in search bar to find cheers . will be adding a free mumble later any one from ocuk can use it to chat to each other.

I've just wapped the idle time up on the server and it fills easy. Our combat missions was full for 3 days then EA dropped all the players last nite at 1am :(.
think someone thought you were hacking as you were like 40 odd plus for zer0 on one map then like straight to 60 like minute later. seemed very odd. i have changed it so only i have rcon now and not that individual.

cheers to all who helped start it.
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