****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Is this worth £17.40 (cheapest price i can see for it at the moment).

That depends on your circumstances.

If you only have the cash for either MOH or COD:BO, I'd be very tempted to suggest waiting for COD:BO.

If cash isn't a problem, I think it's worth it. If you overlook the bugs, SP is actually quite good IMO. The MP isn't too bad either and even if COD:BO turns out to be so good that MOH gets put to the back shelf, I'll still have gotten enough out of MOH so as not to feel like it was a waste of money.
Is this worth £17.40 (cheapest price i can see for it at the moment).

Yes, I absolutely love the gun mechanics, the sound is AMAZING, the graphics are good, and multiplayer is very good imo.

I love the Combat missions in MP, the classes are generally well balanced apart from the snipers, but there are ways and means to avoid being sniped, you just have to be clever with your cover and use smoke!

The unlocks are quite good too, they aren't in any way gimicky like COD and BC2 can be. While I enjoyed BC2, you have to be a bit more tactical in this one and you often end up working as teams, which you only do to a certain extent in BC2.#

Also, the patch seems to be addressing all the faults that need addressing.

What I would have recommended though is that the spawn invulnerability period be upped to something like 3 seconds, to allow you enough time to get to safety, I can't count the number of times I have been spawn killed out in the open when spawning on the front. It would also have been a good idea to void the spawn invulnerability if the player fires his weapon during the 3 second period. Mods for MOHAA did this and it worked well.
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any one up for helping start the server need four to get her going wont take long add dgeesiogaming in search bar to find cheers . will be adding a free mumble later any one from ocuk can use it to chat to each other.

be on in about ten minutes
To the people who have/are playing MoH, is it worth getting for the MP? I'm not really bothered about SP..

I'll give you three replies which provide the basis of replies you will be getting.

'It's crap'.

'It's okay.'

'It's brilliant.'

And now for my reply that falls under the 'Okay' category, i enjoy it in very small doses.
I'll give you three replies which provide the basis of replies you will be getting.

'It's crap'.

'It's okay.'

'It's brilliant.'

And now for my reply that falls under the 'Okay' category, i enjoy it in very small doses.

Let me say I think it's brilliant, in smallish doses... One map in particular though is quite inbalanced if your team is stupid enough it allows itself to get stuck in one particular corner...
I got bored of this, prefer BF:BC2 and i'm not getting CoD:BO, rather just get the Vietnam expansion and play that till something else pops up.
I've not trawled through every post of this thread but has anyone else had the problem at the end of "Breaking Bagram" level where GAU-8 and Hellfire are disabled?

After playing through a few times, I realised this was a bug.

To get round this I had to replay the level is only this time I made a copy of the game data on the check point before, just in case.

However, this time though it played through.

Just thought I'd share.
well i think some servers maybe updated just now but steam aint being updated till 4 or 5 pm today :(

cant wait to see how many more ragers well have :p

STEAM will be releasing the update around 16:00 GMT when they get into the office.
I've not trawled through every post of this thread but has anyone else had the problem at the end of "Breaking Bagram" level where GAU-8 and Hellfire are disabled?
After playing through a few times, I realised this was a bug.

Yeah, it was damn annoying. I just restarted from last checkpoint and after a couple times, I got through the mission. (When I finished it, it still had the weapons disable a couple times, I just keep clicking rapidly and they worked again)
What fixes does this new patch do?
All I could fine... copied and paste.


* Fixed the scenario when joining a friend on a password protected server caused a hang
* Ribbons and medals appear on unranked servers
* Jumping and shooting at the same time now affects the ability to be accurate with the weapons
* Added aiming spot in binoculars in hardcore mode
* Holding your breath and moving forward no longer takes you out of scope
* Modifications in weapon behaviour *see weapon tweaks below
* Increased the points needed to win a Domination/TDM game
o Increased TDM score from 1200 to 1400 points
o Increased Sector Control score from 1800 to 2600 points
* Decreased accuracy while shooting from the hip
* Cut points from score chain rewards in half
* Addressed the sniper rifle damage to bring the sniper rifle more in line with the other kits
* Increased the amount of recoil and spread *see weapon tweaks below
* Changed immortal time to 1.9 from 1.6 seconds after spawn to prevent the scenario of spawning in the open only to be shot on spawn in


* Assault Rifles
o Increased recoil
o Deviation
+ Increased deviation when not zooming
+ Deviation bug fixed (increased while shooting)
o Lowered close range damage
o Jumping deviation increased
* Carbines
o Increased recoil
o Deviation
+ Increased deviation when not zooming
+ Deviation increses faster than assault rifles
+ Deviation bug fixed (increased while shooting)
o Jumping deviation increased
* Sniper rifles
o Headshot does the most damage
o Less damage from bolt action
+ 2 shots to kill on body from long range
+ 1 shot on body from short range
# Normal: 8m
# Ammo 2: 10m
# Range: 9.6m
# Increased recoil on semi-automatic
* Soldier
o Damage by hit point
+ Head
# Headshots as before
+ Body
# Body shots as before
+ Arms and legs
# 20% less damage
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