****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

well ive played 6 or 7 full games upto yet and im not getting mulled by snipers everytime i move and people dont seem to be as accurate.

better than it was but ive noted a few snipers crying :D maybe it will make people move round more instead sniper sit still.
Just seen someone kicked of a server for using a 'aim bot' ....cheating ****:mad:


I was on a server (Adult Gamers Elite) the other day and this guy with really low skill points was killing everything in sight. Ended up with a 42/2 k/d in the one round I hung about.

I followed him around for a little while just to see what he was getting up to as he was on my side. Just spraying bullets and killing with most of them. :mad:
im really stuck now.. some people say it's a complete horror show of a game and some people love it.. i've just watched that video on eurogamer, the ps3 and pc side by side, and to be honest, the graphics dont look anything special (nearly the same as COD)

but, i can always buy it, play it, die in it and sell it on i suppose..

its a good game in small doses, i find if i play for more than an hr or 2 in a row i get very frustrated, primarily because some maps your able to be completely pinned in your spawn with no real escape apart from holding sprint and praying.

Add to that snipers covering the spawn and getting streaks with a few headshots and it all adds to a lot of frustration.

Had a go on this new clean sweep mode which makes the sniper camping even more laughable.

First clean sweep game i seen (which is basically a last man standing gamemode), had one us and one afghan sniper left, each in their own spawns creeping about trying to get a sight of the other.

Ive found myself playing the game in between other things, for killing an hr or so its great fun.

Im one of thoseplayers who runs head on into danger so my K/D is usually at best 2:1 but i do enjoy it.

Most annoying thing ive seen since the patch is because they have altered the from the hip accuracy i find a lot of players using the knife and close range, just sprint and strafe towards you, from the hip your accuracy aint great and if you sight your weapon they are on you.

This is the first online shooter ive played since COD4 so i do have to say given the above comments for a quick blast it gets the thumbs up, for a longer play session its not for me
yeah it was wez but i feel it is more just now with the patch which has made it better game . before it was just a case of waiting to be sniped :D this is not the case now and feels better playing it than before. even though i liked it anyway
I played the new patch last night and I dont seem to get sniped as often as i did. But last night the snipers were replaced with rocket launchers. I could count on one hand the amount of times I was killed last week by an RL, last night I lost count.
That new mode is quite frankly, awful.

Talk about giving people more of an opportunity to camp, though if you are gaming with mates, you could pwn the public noobs.
lol i rushed with a axe last night got a 9-0 on one map :D

just like bfbc2 let the campers sit there then destroy them from behind :p
Chaps, whats the deal with the Hot Zone map pack?

It looks like an EA Store exclusive, or so they claim.

Anyone heard if this is coming to Steam?


Ignore, seems like we all already have it installed we just need to pay to unlock it.
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Well I just got round to playing this, and I'm still trying to work out if I'm surprised or not that it seems to have largely passed under the radar, and whether or not it deserves praise.

(This is only the SP campaign btw, I've not bothered with multi, got BC2 for my hit of that)

I'l start with the cons first as I guess I do quite like the game, so I can end it on a high :p

1) Very little indication of who you're playing and when. When was I 'Tier 1', when was I a Seal? When was I a Ranger? I'm only presuming I was all three at some point because I was called 3 different names, and heard those three units mentioned.

2) Not enough Tier one stuff in general. The missions with Dusty were generally the best and there needed to be way more of them.

3) Needed to be way more in general. Insultingly short storyline.

4) No storyline.

5) No real characters to feel for. Dusty was probably the only one who didn't just look like everyone else.

6) The enemy seem to come in one of two flavours, one of which looking suspiciously like the assassin from Assassins Creed.

7) Very similar game play for a lot of the main story. Hills, lots of rocks, endless enemies.


Now all that said. I actually think this game hit the nail on the head in many ways. Sort of in a way Dragon Rising or ARMA didn't.

1) The engagement distances are great. You're not always shooting someone 3 feet in front of you.

2) In addition to point 1, the maps look realistic. They look like the sort of environment you would be fighting in. Lots of crap everywhere, pain in the ass to get clear line of sight, etc. They feel like they have depth.

3) The sniper mission, again, in conjunction with above points. Brilliant. Having to scan a large area for the enemies, none of whom stand out like a sore thumb because they're moving, or they're bright pink whilst everything else is brown. Felt like more realistic engagement distances.

I know there are more cons than pros. Which is what has me confused. I loved in Dragon Rising how you could engage enemies at more realistic distances (without it feeling like an absolute chore to play like ARMA). This is more arcadey still, but it feels better for it. I think the over riding reason is this feels like the right blend of realism and arcade.

Needed to be twice as long, more Tier 1 stuff with Dusty, and a storyline. I'l definitely try the next one when it's released.
Guys, I'm trying to get MOH multiplayer to run without success. The single player mode runs fine and punkbuster is upto date. The initial EA games screen appears but then it just goes to desktop. surely if it was a firewall setting then that would also stop the singleplayer tier 1 mode from running? I uninstalled it, re loaded the game, patched it it would then run ok. switch my machine of then restart it and it won't start. anyone able to give me dome ideas? all of my other games run fine.
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