Use discount code NextJump for 40% off any game at EA Store. Once you add the game to your basket go back to the home page and it should offer you an additional 10% off.
I buckled and got MOH game for £16.50
This method makes the new downloadable Hotzone Map Pack stuff £3.77 instead of £6.99
Add to basket then apply NextJump code, then direct you browser window back to eastore home page, and you get another 10% off popup!
It's ok, but the SP is extremely short, about 5 hours on hardest. I've played add-ons that have lasted longer. Will give the MP a whirl this week.
Can you buy the DLC from the EA store and use on the steam version?
Got this but much prefer bc2 tbh, played it a lot through beta but when actual game came out i didnt find it rly grabbing my attention, bc2 is much better imo. I only play multiplayer too, I aint even touched the singleplayer.