**Official ABIT AB9 QuadGT Review/Overclock/Guide Thread**

Nelly said:
Indeed quite a few people are using the G.Skill 2GB DDR2 HZ PC2-6400 Kits on numerous forums. Infact it should boot at the default 1.8v because it did for me when I owned the QuadGT & HZ's. Have you adjusted the voltage to the reccomended spec 2.1v?
Not yet but will do tonight after work :) It used to boot with the DS3 at default 1.8v though.
MikeOCUK said:
the problem is they dont come with the dos systemn files, and iv got no way of doing it unles i can do it on another comp with a floppy disk drive.
You can just use the FlashMenu flasher which is part of uGuru, in Windows. I didn't realise this until spending the last hour fiddling with booting cd-roms and usb pens! I thought it was odd Abit didn't have a Windows bios updater!
Have you managed to sort the G.Skill HZ ram out yet?
Duke said:
You can just use the FlashMenu flasher which is part of uGuru, in Windows. I didn't realise this until spending the last hour fiddling with booting cd-roms and usb pens! I thought it was odd Abit didn't have a Windows bios updater!
I will never use a windows version of a bios flasher, have seen too many bad flashes including one of my own back when I had an Asus A8V Deluxe.
Ok I put on the latest official (11) bios and swapped back to the GSkill - didnt work. Put the generic back in, set 2.0v on VDIMM, put GSkill back in - didn't work.

Used the windows flasher to put on the beta bios - it shows version 10 again (?).

Not overly impressed with this board so far. I hope a future bios will fix the ram and the disappearing lan card - can't use the web on my system now.
Duke said:
Used the windows flasher to put on the beta bios - it shows version 10 again (?).

Not overly impressed with this board so far. I hope a future bios will fix the ram and the disappearing lan card - can't use the web on my system now.
Hi, I've just updated the beta bios link - see if that bios reports the same, it is supposed to fix the disapearing lan.
Duke said:
Ok I put on the latest official (11) bios and swapped back to the GSkill - didnt work. Put the generic back in, set 2.0v on VDIMM, put GSkill back in - didn't work.
When the system fails to boot, what numbers came up on the LED post code on the motherboard itself?

Also try posting the problem on here:- http://forum.abit-usa.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48

Email:- [email protected] or Technical Support:- 01438 362088
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Thanks Nelly. '25' usually comes up, although sometimes the system will reset itself after ~5 seconds and then get stuck again.
Just assembled my new machine, with QuadGT and a C2D E6600 cpu. Have´nt had the the time, to play around with it much, yet. But you can add the OCZ Ati CrossFire certified edition 2x1Gb dual channel kit to the RAM-list. Booted up without any issuses first time. Had to adjust the latencies manually, to the rated 4-4-4-15, but again no trouble. Looking forward to start tweaking for real. So far the CPU is running at 2.94, but that´s without any real effort from me. I have great expectations to this machine. :p
Running the beta bios now but gskill ram still doesnt work with this. No major problem as I have 2x1GB DDR800 anyway.

Got my E6600 running at 3.2GHz at the moment. It used to top out at 3.3-3.4 on the DS3 so will give it a push tonight :)

Darth Nissan - you may want to read the rules regarding signature sizes ;)
Duke said:
Running the beta bios now but gskill ram still doesnt work with this. No major problem as I have 2x1GB DDR800 anyway.
Thats really weired seen as it works on your DS3, I had the very same ram working on the QuadGT. . . :confused: very puzzling.
By the way, the OCZ ATI edition I use, booted up fine on the 1.8v. I am an absolute beginner in overclocking, but tonight I passed 3GHz on the CPU. :eek:
Duke said:
Running the beta bios now but gskill ram still doesnt work with this.
G.Skill 6400HZ works fine on my board too ... :confused:

POST code 25 has also been seen on other boards to be related to faulty IDE cables/drives & faulty kb/mice.
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FYI I had some diffculty getting Vista Ultimate 64 to install, but flashing to BIOS 11 & lowering my RAM speed did the job and it finally installed.

I think it was more a BIOS issue so I'm going to reset my 8GB back to DDR2-800 and see what memtest86 makes of it. It could start in safe mode before I flashed which to me suggests driver issue rather than memory instablity.
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Yeah weird about the memory. Not too much of a problem as I have some Nanya PC6400 5-5-5-15 stuff in there now. They run 4-4-4-12 upto ~700 which is pretty good (1.9v). They may well run upto 800 with those timings, with some extra voltage :D

Currently running at 367 FSB which is 3.3GHz.
Finally got Vista 64 installed with all the drivers, that was a mission.

Anyway all 8GB is showing in Vista so I'm happy there, had to flash to BIOS 13 to get the LAN adapter working.

The Abit Airpace was a right little bugger to install, but now thats working too.

I have memtested my memory and seems happy at 5-5-5-15 2T @ DDR2-800
I tried 825MHz and it didn't like that.

The QX6700 was running at 3.2GHz but I am doing more memtests so I've lowered it back down again.

This board with its mature BIOS & drivers has really done me proud to date, I must say though without BIOS11 or 13 it would have really ****** me off but Abit seem to have come good.
WJA96 said:
EK kit - NB, SB, PWM, CPU, GPU and probably ABS if they do that as well :rolleyes:

i understand that the EK No.1 Asus mosfet cooler fits this board properly correct? but how about the NB/SB which EK blocks fit this board ok?

i was also looking at the MIPS range of blocks for this board but expensive and have to order from europe so i'd rather the EK i think.
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