**Official ABIT AB9 QuadGT Review/Overclock/Guide Thread**

Darth Nissan said:
WJA96 - TAT :confused:

I´m quite a beginner in the tweaking-department, and furthermore from Denmark, so what is TAT short for ?

It's Intels Thermal Analysis Tool. It's freely available and is considered to be the best reader of temps.
WJA96 said:
Actually, no - but for 30 euro I'm not too worried. It'll fetch up eventually.

i still haven't heard back from MIPS have you? maybe they don't ship to the UK?!?!

i really want those blocks :(
My Maestro card has been debited, so I'm assuming they're on their way, but I've had no confirmatory e-mails the way you would from a UK supplier.
TAT Doesn't work on this board. Speedfan & Coretemp tell me my temps are about 24 idle but once I launch Orhtos its jumps to the 50's withing 2 seconds.
Hi, im considering getting this board to run a Q6600 cpu, but Ive read some people are having problems installing Vista 64 with it? If I brought this board new now, what version of the bios would I most likely get? I'd like to be able to install Vista 64 without a headache :eek:
Spartacus said:
Hi, im considering getting this board to run a Q6600 cpu, but Ive read some people are having problems installing Vista 64 with it? If I brought this board new now, what version of the bios would I most likely get? I'd like to be able to install Vista 64 without a headache :eek:

Bios11 for sure.
help!!! i just reinstalled windows and now i cant get my usb mouse and keyboard to work. the keyboard works fine in the bios but not in windows, any one got anything i could try to get it working :(
ok its not just the key board and mouse none of the usb ports seemto work :mad: they were fine before i reinstalled windows ???????
Since this is such a well done thread, I thought I'd offer a suggestion.

Any time I'm considering buying a motherboard, or changing something on mine, the first thing I try and get hold of, is the biggest resolution image of it I can find.

It also helps people when they're having issues if they can use an image and draw a circle around part of it.

If you want to make your thread even better than it is, find a massive jpeg :)
Spartacus said:
Hi, im considering getting this board to run a Q6600 cpu, but Ive read some people are having problems installing Vista 64 with it? If I brought this board new now, what version of the bios would I most likely get? I'd like to be able to install Vista 64 without a headache :eek:

This board runs under Vista 64, I know cos I am doing so.

Vista 64 is an awkward sod, I can't honestly say your post install driver loading won't be trouble free but it does work.

On a seperate note I successfully modified my BIOS 13 fullscreenlogo today, I can write up a little guide if anyone is interested.
BigBANGtheory said:
On a seperate note I successfully modified my BIOS 13 fullscreenlogo today, I can write up a little guide if anyone is interested.

Yes please. I suspect it's not something many people would think of doing, however if you're prepared to share the information then it's worth having here even it helps just one other user.
sulli said:
ok its not just the key board and mouse none of the usb ports seemto work :mad: they were fine before i reinstalled windows ???????

OK - it's most likely a chipset driver issue so I would suggest you uninstall all the USB root hubs in System Devices and let the PC re-install them on restart.

That is the simplest step to take to start off with.
How to change the ABIT AB9 QuadGT fullscreen BIOS logo.

If you just want to remove the standard (pretty ugly) Abit/Intel fullscreenlogo you can disable it in the BIOS.

**Warning** Messing about with your BIOS incurs risk, if you flash a corrupted BIOS you may need to replace your MotherBoard or request a new FLASH rom from Abit. Personally I don't believe the risk is very high IF you are careful, during testing I loaded 3 wrong format logo images and was able to re-flash every single time.

1) Use an Image editing applcation like Paint Shop Pro to create your new fullscreenlogo with followng attributes: 640x480 pixels, 256 colours TIF file format.

2) Download AMBMtools (just Google it, its free) and use the 'tiff2awbm' commandline tool to convert your TIF file into the BMP format used by the Award BIOS (which isn't a true BMP btw)

Command syntax is:
C:\> tiff2awbm mylogo.tif mylogo.bmp

3) Download CBROM v6.06 (again just Google it, its free) copy the orignal BIOSname.bin (BIOS file from Abit), CBROM and mylogo.bmp to the same folder. Now use CBROM to embed the new BMP file into the BIOSname.bin file:

Command syntax is:
C:\> CBROM BIOSname.bin /logo mylogo.bmp

4) 'Flash (drumroll) aye! He saved every one of us.....' Just flash the BIOS with or without Queen playing.

5) After thats done, use the external switch to clear the CMOS.

6) Power off the PC from the mains, wait 30s and restart.

7) Press <delete> to reset your BIOS settings.

I have done the mod myself and this worked for me with the latest BIOS 13 for the QuadGT board.
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WJA96 said:
OK - it's most likely a chipset driver issue so I would suggest you uninstall all the USB root hubs in System Devices and let the PC re-install them on restart.

That is the simplest step to take to start off with.

Thanks loads :) Worked a treat :)
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