sulli said:Thanks loadsWorked a treat
Thank goodness - you obviously have a PS/2 keyboard and mouse as I suddenly realised I was going to have to tell you how to do that using command line switches from the DOS prompt if you didn't

sulli said:Thanks loadsWorked a treat
BigBANGtheory said:This board runs under Vista 64, I know cos I am doing so.
Vista 64 is an awkward sod, I can't honestly say your post install driver loading won't be trouble free but it does work.
On a seperate note I successfully modified my BIOS 13 fullscreenlogo today, I can write up a little guide if anyone is interested.
Spartacus said:Ok Ive just built my system with this board and a Q6600, only problem is I have bios 10 and when installing Vista 64 it hangs just before its finished installing (just as it says on this thread).
Ive downloaded the new bios version 13, but what i wanna ask is if its possible to update the bios using a bootable cd? On the instructions it tells you to make a bootable floppy disc, but I dont own a floppy drive. Will the bios update just the same from a bootable cd instead of floppy? advice here would be helpfull
Its_Me said:Sure it is m8, you can also flash from USB pen drive too.
But anyway
I havent got this board anymore otherwise I would have a dabble. . . .danielmayne said:any 1
BUFF said:what's wrong with 13?
Chris said:Hi
Had a raid setup with my old pc combination and when i plugged it into this mobo it won't recognise it any idea's?