**Official** Aion Beta Thread

maxilive - thanks for putting me on the start page mate :) I will be going Assassin not a spiritmaster though! As much as they rape -.-
Fixed :D

Getting closer now! Last day of school, so I've setup a lan game of COD 1 for the kids + teachers. 20 player deathmatch, they are loving it. AT Least this work day is going fast :D

CBT4 starts in 0d 9h 54m 8s...
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Don't forget guys if you want to go Asmodian and you want to join my Legion (DooM) we are currently ranked 30th in the beta we are found on the below server
Server - Azphel
Faction - Asmodian (Black Wings).

pm TheEnd or Trixta - just say your a friend of TheEnds and well invite you to guild :)
We have vent server and our goals for this beta are

guild goals for cb4

guild rank 3.
to achieve rank 3 we need to meet the following
1.2mil cash
20 members (already achieved)
20k contribution points (pvp).

So the only real problem for us is going to be the 1.2mil. I hope everyone is willing to help donate towards this :)
The pvp points will easily be achieved once we hit 25 and can enter the abyss.
rank 3 is exp important as we can have our own design logo and increase the amount of player in our guild.


We have decided to have an open recruitment where anyone can join. Of course there are good and bad reasons for and against this. How ever we want to get our guild seen. Remember this is still beta any idiots/retards will be swiftly kicked ;). Basically we want to try and establish a good member base for when the game does go live. We will promote more of our current members so they can invite friends etc.

Top 50

So we ended last beta at rank 30. Our aim this time round will be to hit the top 10. This is done purely through the pvp system, group ganking ***.


We ask everyone to try and join vent. It makes life just that much easier when it comes to communition. We are still learning the ui, vent for the lazy people! Want to express vent is a must for groups and group pvp.
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How's the solo play in this game? Yes, I know it's an MMO :P but I like to run at my own pace, I tend to find I can do that far better in games like Warhammer and Lord of the Rings than I could ever do in Warcraft. So is it more like Warcraft, where most good things require groups, or is it more like Warhammer where you can do quite a lot on your own?
Solo is not to bad, there is a group of mobs late teens which require a group, however a solo player on the Chinese server is a 25 and can solo 27 elites... You can craft good stuff for your char and what not. Also solo PvP is possible, there was some Chinese player who proper geeked it up and basically became number one from solo PvP
Solo is not to bad, there is a group of mobs late teens which require a group, however a solo player on the Chinese server is a 25 and can solo 27 elites... You can craft good stuff for your char and what not. Also solo PvP is possible, there was some Chinese player who proper geeked it up and basically became number one from solo PvP

Talking of which, how is the pvp in this? Is there good potential for gank squads. I heard of sieges, are these sieges within the main game world or a seperate instance? Are there bonuses for holding a castle, if so what kind of bonuses? Are there controllable siege weapons?

Heard some mention of something called Rifts? What are these?

Can I attack people in their homelands whenever and wherever I want or are the homelands off limits or require people to be "flagged"?

Can I loot people in pvp? If so, is it full loot or just backpack items or what?

Is there some kind of points system for PvP and if so what can the points be spent on, can they be used to purchase additional skills/enhance existing ones? or is it just used to buy items with?
The game is very pvp oriented and although solo fights are there, group PvP is where its at... Basically there are two places to PvP

Rift - a rift opens and you can go to the enemies land and rape and pillage them.
Abyss - its a PvP map which has quests and mobs and this is where most the PvP takes place. Will be able to comment more about both after the weekend as this is what this beta is about the PvP. Not to sure of Sieges to be honest.

As you said Rifts basically a portal which opens up in certain places in certain maps and is the only way to get the the other teams maps, you get a lot of gank squads coming!

You also get heroes which are limited, basically in the abyss (not sure about rifts) you become super hard and can take on like a small army of people and win.

There is no non PvP servers afaik, your always flagged for PvP.

No looting unfortunately. Yes there is pvp point system and you can rank up and you can buy armour/weapons with the points.

Can I loot people in pvp? If so, is it full loot or just backpack items or what?
Well, there's the abyss, which I haven't seen, but I'm hoping is more akin to daoc's frontiers than lotro's ettenmoors. PvP free zone basically.

There are also portals that can open into each side's home lands and once you're through, I think you're free to attack anyone. That sounds more interesting, but there's people here who could tell you a lot more about it I'm sure.
The game is very pvp oriented and and.........

If I go through a rift, am I limited to a certain area on the other side, or can I go to any of their zones on the other side and kill? (I'm assuming from the latter part of your post that anyone is a target, I dont need them to be flagged in order for me to kill them?)

Any idea on the sieges? Controllable siege weapons? Bonuses for holding a castle? etc.
If I go through a rift, am I limited to a certain area on the other side, or can I go to any of their zones on the other side and kill? (I'm assuming from the latter part of your post that anyone is a target, I dont need them to be flagged in order for me to kill them?)

Any idea on the sieges? Controllable siege weapons? Bonuses for holding a castle? etc.

I think if you hold castles and stuff you can control taxes not quiet sure. check out www.aionsource.com - everything in the world is on there.

The rift question I am not sure, but you seriously get like the whole race on to you when you go through a rift so you don't really get a chance to venture far :)
Well, there's the abyss, which I haven't seen, but I'm hoping is more akin to daoc's frontiers than lotro's ettenmoors. PvP free zone basically.

I agree on this....I'm hoping its more like Daocs frontiers, multiple zones interconnected with multiple capturable objectives rather than lotros single zone ettenmoors.

Would prefer it if it was attack anywhere in the game rather than a seperate place and rifts. But maybe they will make an open rvr server?
Make a post on their mate, don't think a lot of people have experienced end game PvP here, quiet a few players have played to high levels on CN Aion over there... Or you can wait 2 weeks when I am a lot higher on CN Aion and I can tell you :P
Make a post on their mate, don't think a lot of people have experienced end game PvP here, quiet a few players have played to high levels on CN Aion over there... Or you can wait 2 weeks when I am a lot higher on CN Aion and I can tell you :P

I'll wait for 2 weeks and find out from you. Always found that the asian pvp style is very different from the western pvp style (ie, what they find great pvp - lineage 2 etc , isnt what many western mmo players find to be great pvp - daoc etc). So if I get a view from on here it should better reflect whats to be expected.
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