**Official** Aion Beta Thread

I'll wait for 2 weeks and find out from you. Always found that the asian pvp style is very different from the western pvp style (ie, what they find great pvp - lineage 2 etc , isnt what many western mmo players find to be great pvp - daoc etc). So if I get a view from on here it should better reflect whats to be expected.

Fair enough mate! Will get to test Abyss/Rift PvP on the EU version this weekend of Beta, but want to try for 35-40 in a few weeks so will have more of a idea and will let you know
Some quite surprising news.

There is a problem with WoW in China - seems the Chinese government have revoked Blizzards WoW license in China - or something, I'm not entirely sure of the details yet. Blizz's Chinese contract expired in June, and since then all Chinese servers have been non-operational, with Blizzard not choosing to renew.

But, regardless of the details, WoW's subscriptions have halved - from 11m down to 5m.

Whats this got to do with Aion? Well, Aion currently has 3.5m subscribers in Asia. When it releases in European, US, NZ and Australian territories it's possible that it will take WoW's crown. We could be looking at the new 'champ'.

This issue with WoW in China could yet be resolved (though atm it's looking unlikely).

But in the meantime, pick your jaws up off the ground.
Some quite surprising news.

There is a problem with WoW in China - seems the Chinese government have revoked Blizzards WoW license in China - or something, I'm not entirely sure of the details yet. Blizz's Chinese contract expired in June, and since then all Chinese servers have been non-operational, with Blizzard not choosing to renew.

But, regardless of the details, WoW's subscriptions have halved - from 11m down to 5m.

Whats this got to do with Aion? Well, Aion currently has 3.5m subscribers in Asia. When it releases in European, US, NZ and Australian territories it's possible that it will take WoW's crown. We could be looking at the new 'champ'.

This issue with WoW in China could yet be resolved (though atm it's looking unlikely).

But in the meantime, pick your jaws up off the ground.

If you find out the reason post it sounds quite interesting.
Stuff about Wow China...

I think what happened is that Blizz dropped their previous hosting company in China at the end of their contract, and signed up with a new one. However the government have so far stalled the deal while they examine it for some reason, so there are no live chinese servers at the moment.

Great time for Aoin (or any other mmo for that matter) to be on the go over there :)

Edit : here we go :

Ok guys I know some people will bash me for such a general question but can someone please sum up the game and what it offers please?

From what I have read it seems a very PvP orientated game with rewards for getting out there and scrapping away (basically the opposite of WoW since Vanilla) which is what I love.

I hear a lot about the "variations" of the classes in that you can personalise them to a massive degree.

Personally I want to get away from WoW, I play it at the moment because it is the best MMO of a very bad bunch, very excited by the prospect of Aion so if someone doesn;t mind giving me a little more info (preferably someone who has some experience of the BETA) I would be grateful
Hello there :)

Theres lots of good info in this tread at the moment and thank you to everyone who has contributed and maxilive for keeping us all informed and pumped up for this weekend :D

Only thing i havent been able to work out is there enough time to get lvled and geared and pvp this weekend, cannot find much info about how long it takes to level. Any info about this would be great :)

In the previous closed beta #3 it started on a Thurs 8pm. This time around for #4 it starts a day later at Fri 8pm but still finishes the same time, the following Mon 8pm.

I managed to play it the wrong way in #3 and reach level 13. I'm going to create a new character this time around, play the right way and hopefully reach the same level, albeit with 1 day less.

I think there are quite a few hardcore players here, eg Maxi and the other 2 or 3 in the OCuk Legion with him last time round, that managed to get around 15-17. Whether or not some of them were using characters already levelled up from #1 and #2 I'm not sure but if they got all 17 levels in just #3 then that's impressive!

I'd say that on average, putting in a reasonable not excessive amount of hours per day, you should be able to reach Lv10 quite easily in one weekend :)
[timko];14498428 said:

I think there are quite a few hardcore players here, eg Maxi and the other 2 or 3 in the OCuk Legion with him last time round, that managed to get around 15-17. Whether or not some of them were using characters already levelled up from #1 and #2 I'm not sure but if they got all 17 levels in just #3 then that's impressive!

We did have a fairly big group running through it from level 12 or so. I started from level 1 and spent most of my time helping others but yes there is a few of us that were playing for many hours :P

I think with some help you should easily make it to level 15, I made it to level 19 with not playing some days and others made it to level 20 with 100% exp with plenty of time to spare :)
I dont think I am going to get chance to play tonight, still downloading at 66kb/sec I mean ffs thats ridiculous.

I also notice on the download page there is a EU version. I swear that was not there last night.
I did read your response just thought it was worth a mention thats all ;-D

Well at least I finally know you've read it, acknowledgement sooner would have been nice though :)

Anyway, what connection are you on? The day before the last closed beta #3 I managed to pull down the client at full speed for my moderately slow (in comparison to those on Virgin 50Mb at least) 14Mb connection.
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