**Official** Aion Beta Thread

Anyone managed to get a key from Fileplanet?

The open beta page says it a North America Exclusive!
and Your access to the closed beta event has been denied due to Country restrictions.

note it says closed beta even though this is the open beta page.


I thought the Fileplanet keys have all been gone for a couple of days now?

I got an EU key from fileplanet on the first night that they went up, but it was a mistake and they were only supposed to give out NA keys. So they sent out a second key to me for the NA. Which meant I ended up with an EU key and a NA key hehe.

EDIT : Before anyone asks, I have actually given away both the keys. I didnt need them as I preordered Aion a while ago so I've been in the beta for a couple of months and didnt need a key anyway. But I had a fileplanet member account and thought I would get a key to giveaway.
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I have a spare as well ;)
Although I got it from fileplanet through a link posted on this thread,
so not sure if it will work on the euro open beta, worth a try though if anyone wants it ?
Most "open" betas of MMO's need a key and are usually limited in number, and the open normally refers to the fact that the NDA has been lifted.

Thats what it seems to mean now, not so long ago it was 'open' as in open to everyone. So many 'open' betas these days have tie-ins with promoting other sites like fileplanet or obtain the key by buying product X etc., guess its just a sign of the increasing commercialisation of the net. Still, if its a good product then no matter.
Pretty excited to get down into this, Never been into wow or anything before so iv got a clean MMO plate, although i expect Star Trek Online shall be my MMO of choice if its any good.
Just hope i dont get too pathetically attached to my character before they all get wiped lol
I have a spare as well ;)
Although I got it from fileplanet through a link posted on this thread,
so not sure if it will work on the euro open beta, worth a try though if anyone wants it ?

I would love a key if anyone has a spare :D

email in trust.
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emailed your trust m8, hope it works for you ;)

Many thanks, I will give that a try :cool:
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Yeh still not received a key from my pre order so im guessing i ordered too late.

So if any kind person has another spare my email is in trust.
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