Official Animal Crossing Wide World Thread (***INFO/SPOILERS***)

Gonna buy AC on Tuesday or Wednesday this week so I hope it's as good as what everyone says.

Will have to think of a town name too, hmmmmm...

What are pitfall seeds, and why can't I plant them?
Why do I keep falling down holes?
How the hell do you fish? It seems very hit and miss :(
~J~ said:

What are pitfall seeds, and why can't I plant them?
Why do I keep falling down holes?
How the hell do you fish? It seems very hit and miss :(

Lol a pitfall seed is something that makes holes you can fall in :p

They are best dug up and sold/recycled so they don't cause you any trouble.

Fishing is easy, throw the line out in front of a fish, wait till your bait is pulled under the water and quickly wind it back in. Its best done by sound, soon as you get the big splosh noise pull before it steals the bait and swims off. :)

It would be incredibly useful if everyone posted their friends codes on PiKe's site specifically set up for Friends Codes - Linkage.

I am still learning the ropes on AC but would love to play with those who are more experienced. :cool:

Name: Jason
Friends Code: 4038-0247-4218
Town: Knysna
Fruit: Peaches
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