My case came today..... to replace my Thermaltake Tsunami
I fitted an 8-pin extension lead and also a 24-pin extension lead, though I did not really need it for the 24-pin, this left the the gap on the right of the motherboard tray for other cables.
I removed the Antec fans from the rear, replacing the rears with 2 Sharkoon SE 2000 fans, these are controlled via a Fanmate 2.
The bottom fan was replaced with a spare Sycthe Flex 1200.
The two front fans are Antec Tricools, I was expecting them to cool my GPUs down a little but there is no change in that department!! (44C top card and 38C on the bottom card) They are set to medium speed.
I have reduced my TT120 fan speed from ~1800 to ~1600 and the SEs down from ~1700rpm to ~1200rpm.
Old idle temps were 40C - 42C CPU, Motherboard 38C, MCP 50C - 52C.
Currently the CPU is at 34C (earlier when the heating was on it went to 36C), Motherboard 34C and the MCP 46C.
Can be bothered atm to Prime it.... but will do so soon.
I can't believe how much quieter it is, no rattles or buzzes...... can't hear the HDDs....... Bloody GREAT!!
The back of the motherboard tray is real mess and full of cables......
dare not take any photos of it!!!
I think I will order a couple more Sharkoons to replace the Antec fans and get a Zalman MFC ( ) as described here so I can control the fans externally.....
Thanks to all who contributed to this thread as it helped me decide on this case over the Akasa Eclipse (as seen on another thread).
Really enjoyed doing this today!!!!
Happy New Year All!!!