*Official* Antec P182 Case's,Builds,Modifications & FAQ's

I am sticking with the three stock Antec Tri-Cool fans provided and see how it goes, I'm in no rush to spend an extra £20-£30 on top of the case cost. I have used the Antec Tri Cools before and they are decent enough, had them set to low and they are fairly quiet but still do their job.

As far as I know its only the Antec Tri-Cools that come with the little adjuster. If you want to take it to the max then consider buying some powerful fans and hooking them up to a fan controller at the front of the case, otherwise just stick with the Tri-Cools and see how you get on.

Do you have all three fans set to low? If I do that, then the lower fan does not start on startup, it needs Medium to start.

Also, the manual says for better CPU cooling set the two top fans to Low - I would have though High would provide better cooling?
Do you have all three fans set to low? If I do that, then the lower fan does not start on startup, it needs Medium to start.
Something is wrong there? the fans start up fine on LOW?

Also, the manual says for better CPU cooling set the two top fans to Low - I would have though High would provide better cooling?
Really? I didn't read the manual yet! :o

I would imagine its just a case and try a few different set-ups and see what works best for you. The Tri-Cools aren't too bad at Low and Medium but High is too much noise for me.
I am sticking with the three stock Antec Tri-Cool fans provided and see how it goes, I'm in no rush to spend an extra £20-£30 on top of the case cost. I have used the Antec Tri Cools before and they are decent enough, had them set to low and they are fairly quiet but still do their job.

Dont you have a orange 120mm fan in your case?
Something is wrong there? the fans start up fine on LOW?

Really? I didn't read the manual yet! :o

I would imagine its just a case and try a few different set-ups and see what works best for you. The Tri-Cools aren't too bad at Low and Medium but High is too much noise for me.

Yeah I find Low practically silent compared to my other system. Just the lower fan if it's on Low at startup it won't start - you can kickstart it with a flick of your finger but obviously I don't want to have to do that every time :)

Hi InkZ, would you me a big favour? and measure the distance between the end of your GTX and the cage as I currently have 2 fans on that cage.

My plan is to replace my VGA cards for either a 8800GTX or 2 x 8800GTs, I think the GTs would fit no problem but not sure with the GTX as I might have to remove one of the fans, that is not a big problem but just wanted to know.

Also could I ask why you went for that particular cooling solution on your GTX, what were your temps before and after? I was thinking about getting these once I get my card:

http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HS-033-ZA and

Thanks. :)
Hey Tomc@T the cooling provided by the HR-03 plus cooler is immense dropped my load temps by almost 30 degrees and the cooler you have linked to (zalman) by the time you have bought both parts will be £50 with delivery on top and it will not perform as well as the HR-03 plus if space is an issue you can mount it around the back of your card without compromising heat transfer the reason that most people mount it the way in the picture there is because the fan will blow across the heat sinks on the ram and power modules offering greater cooling (well at least that’s why I did it).
Hi mate,

There is no way you'll fit 2 fans on the middle cage. I've got one in the front and you definatelly can't squeeze another in.

I mounted the cooler that way round because you can't fit a fan on if you mount it the other way with the tuniq tower on my board.

Temps are now 55 idle and about 65 load, before they were 75 idle, 85 load, that's with the card at stock.

I chose that cooling solution because it's the only option other than the one you posted which I found, and was much cheaper than the Zalman combo.
Thanks for the info guys!

Guess I am going to have to make a decision soon!! If I went with your cooling method, I will have one SE2000 left over, so that would mean I would just need the card and the HR03 instead.
Hi all

Have just installed my new Abit IP35 PRO and Ultima 90I. Have gone for the vertical mount on the Ultima as I feel after testing with my old ACFP7 that this shaves over 5C per core off the temps. Still a bit untidy and am awaiting new fans before doing this.


And how it used to look:

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Hey guys just finished another re-vamp with this case added a Swiftech H20-220 COMPACT and initial impressions are good was a bit of a wangle to get the pipes going to the rad in the right spot due to my HR-03 Plus cooler being massive. To be honest am seeing a slightly lower heat at full load not a great deal better than my Thermalright 120 extreme. Am thinking of going for a dual loop one for the GTX and the existing one for just the CPU and northbridge I will post some pics on a few days as I am waiting for a window kit to arrive to finish this mod, so I might as well wait until then to post pics. Out of interest does anyone thin that a single 120 rad would be able to take the heat dump from an 8800GTX? if it will I think I am going to fit it where the upper hard drive cage is has anyone achieved this already?
I built mine up last week and I'll get some pics up either tonight or tomorrow as I need some help/advice with cooling. My bottom 3870 is very close to the top of the PSU bay which means it can't quite draw in enough air and it runs hotter than the top card which is 1) doing most of the work in none-crossfire games and 2) staved of air itself because of the second card. Apart from that it's a great case :D
My bottom 3870 is very close to the top of the PSU bay which means it can't quite draw in enough air and it runs hotter than the top card
I think you hit the biggest flaw of the P182 right there, there isn't enough space between the bottom of the motherboard and the bottom of the main chamber, certainly not an ideal setup for a dual-GPU system.

Short of modding the case by cutting out a section to fit a fan in the bottom of the main chamber I'm not sure what else you could do?
Short of modding the case by cutting out a section to fit a fan in the bottom of the main chamber I'm not sure what else you could do?

Well I work as an engineer so I've got all sorts of weird and wonderful gadgets in my van that'd be perfect for doing so. I'd just rather not go slicing into the sides if I can help it, the thing's just too damned sexy! :D

At the moment I've slapped a fan in the side with some clearance from the side panel just to blow air over them but it's not helped all that much, probably because it's re-circed air.
Well I work as an engineer so I've got all sorts of weird and wonderful gadgets in my van that'd be perfect for doing so.
I just had a good look and a measure up and I would say with a little skill you could make a nice 120mm fan mod in the lower divide roof. .


There is about 27mm clearance from the top of the PSU cage to the divide so its possible to install a 120mm in there, the PSU and cage would have to be out for the fan to fit in and then there is the whole issue of how this affects the cases *two thermal chamber* design?

If I had two GPU's in that case and I had all the tools needed I would do that mod in a flash. Apart from that I can't see a better way to improve the cooling to the lower card in a two card setup.
I'm arriving late to the party but I've been using my P182 SE since the weekend and I think I'm in love with it. I upgraded from an el cheapo heap of junk and was a bit reticent about spending a ton on a case when I could pick one up for less than half that amount. However, I'm glad I spent the extra cause it's a thing of beauty and it is so nice to work with, and it's virtually silent compared to my previous case which sounded like a Harley Davidson starting up in my living room.
I've just borked both my front USB sockets. Are these replaceable? and does anyone know where I might be able to buy them?
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