Some good looking screens there.
I do see some jaggies there though, and you mention its running great for you so maybe try some 133% fillrate ?
I'll play around with the fillrate, but personally I like how it's looking at the moment. Going to turn on AA through the cfg file and see how it handles
Fillrate optimizer is now hidden in the 3D resolution option. It is the same thing they just changed the name.
FSAA is not fully supported yet (it removes shadows), you can't tweak it in the options menu. You can get it working by changing value in your ArmA2.cfg file.
FSAA=0; Disabled
FSAA=1; Low
FSAA=2; Medium
FSAA=3; High
FSAA will be completely supported in one of the futures patchs (Full AA suport is expected in 1.03)
Does AA even remove shadows when applied through the config file?