It's just impossible to play this game alone when you don't have a team, 5 games I played and I quit every single one of them due to various reasons.
-One was a Domination game where the enemy got all 3 flags and my team sat in the house at A on Estate, they didn't move for most of the match even though the flag was 10ft outside the door and everytime I took A flag back it would be lost again almost straight away.
-I had Nuke boosters on Highrise that I couldn't get close to because the entire enemy team was protecting them, I tried to get my own team to come help kill them before they got a nuke, but they just sat there and dribbled.
-Had another game where the majority of their team were tac knifing constantly.
-And the other 2 I quit were because my teams were completely useless, they would get sniped down a tunnel and run straight back to the same spot just to be sniped again
Edit: Infact screw it, I'm going to go trade it in tommorow even though I never sell or trade in any of my games, I may aswell get rid and try to find a game I might actually have fun with.