** Official Carmageddon: Reincarnation thread **

Been playing the original again (free copy via GOG for backing the new one), it is such a classic and was ahead of its time. The choice of which way to complete the stage is always difficult - wreck the opponent vehicles, race through the checkpoints/laps or mow down every ped in the map :p
Been playing the original again (free copy via GOG for backing the new one), it is such a classic and was ahead of its time. The choice of which way to complete the stage is always difficult - wreck the opponent vehicles, race through the checkpoints/laps or mow down every ped in the map :p

95% of my races were "wreck all opponents", 4.999% was "go through all checkpoints" (for a change) and I think I only ever managed to kill all pedestrians once!

I had it fired up in a DosBox a few months ago (using nGlide in 3dfx mode, looked fantastic, the GoG version is only software mode :() and had 2 pedestrians left to kill on the Pit Stop level and ran out of time trying to look for them :( I didn't find the peds shown on map powerup either!
It was always wreck the opposition for me. I always remember wasting Vlad by landing on him after falling about 200m. Wish I saved that replay all those years ago!
Played the free version, completed one race and bought the paid version, free version as i understand it wont be updated or supported according to the blog i saw, but damn its cheap and has taken me back a fair few years to the days of sitting there and smashing stuff up, love it.

After the first 24 hours of its release, the PROMO version of the game will be removed from Google Play and will no longer be available. Subsequently, the PROMO version will be unsupported because we have no way to update the title once it's taken down.
This isn't how we would have wanted to do this but it's the only choice. It's not possible to change an app from free to paid on Google Play. So, in the unlikely event that players experience problems with the PROMO version, the solution will be to either download the FREE (demo version) version, or "upgrade" to the FULL paid version. This will only cost you £1.49 and for that, you'll be getting the full benefit of support and updates for the lifetime of the game. So c'mon now everybody, that's GOT to be more than a fair deal!
oh wow does this game bring back memories! I think i have found hands down the best game on my phone ever! I tried to play carma 1 not that long ago and found the car really hard to handle for some reason but the one of the phone is really good :)

Will be buying this :D
Stainless were running a twitter competition to get early access to the beta, ahead of the normal early access that the Kickstarter backers are getting...

I'm only one of the 99 people who were picked for it! :D

I really can't wait to get hold of it, I'll no doubt be spamming this thread plus the screenshots thread with details once I get access :)
Stainless were running a twitter competition to get early access to the beta, ahead of the normal early access that the Kickstarter backers are getting...

I'm only one of the 99 people who were picked for it! :D

I really can't wait to get hold of it, I'll no doubt be spamming this thread plus the screenshots thread with details once I get access :)

Lucky so n' so!

Absolutely loved the original. No race is as good as the start of Coastal Carnage!

Just been having a catch up on their forums. Check out the Nobby's 50th birthday surprise thread.

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