It's still illegal and that's all that matters.How do you stand if you download the game before release and then purchase it on release day?
It's still illegal and that's all that matters.How do you stand if you download the game before release and then purchase it on release day?
Urgh, I want to know why my performance decreased when I added another 2GB of RAM. Are there any Vista updates or anything related to using 4GB of memory?Running Bin32 .exe in DX9 mode at 1280x1024 at all High settings, 2GB runs at 22-26 FPS with stuttering especially as you go from the enclosed space to the beach, and the occasional stutter as you go down the beach. Firefights also occasionally stutter as well, especially during the first few shots fired. 4GB produces no stuttering as a whole, with a lot more consistent framerate hovering at the 27-29 FPS mark.
"Running Bin32 .exe in DX9 mode at 1280x1024 at all High settings"
Ah so you're using 32bit, so not much difference in the amount it can use then.
There was that Microsoft mass storage update, which a lot of people seemed to have missed. Did you get prompted to install any updates from MS on installing the demo?
Yeah, I installed that update. In my motherboard's BIOS if I don't enable the "Memory Remap Feature" I only see about 3.3GB and the performance is exactly the same as when I was using 2GB. However, when I enable the "Memory Remap Feature" I can see the full 4GB but then the performance decreases.
When does the game "officially" come out. Is it the 14th?
And when it does, if it runs like a dog on single player, is there any hope of Multiplayer being even half decent? Doesnt look good!
Then maybe we should take the results from the warez version with a pinch of salt as it is perhaps an earlier version or will that be the same version as the retail one?Downloads from Crysis website 14/11/07, Pre-orders around that time too. In the shops 16/11/07
Clutching at straws if you ask me, seems obvious that the leaked version is gonna be the retail one.Then maybe we should take the results from the warez version with a pinch of salt as it is perhaps an earlier version or will that be the same version as the retail one?
What about online shops, what kinda date will they land on the mat?
Then maybe we should take the results from the warez version with a pinch of salt as it is perhaps an earlier version or will that be the same version as the retail one?
Then maybe we should take the results from the warez version with a pinch of salt as it is perhaps an earlier version or will that be the same version as the retail one?
Doesn't matter for me, I think it will be an average FPS anyway that will bore me long before the end.Clutching at straws if you ask me, seems obvious that the leaked version is gonna be the retail one.
The performance is fine anyway, people knew Crysis would be demanding and should deal with it.