Just tried the demo, getting 30-40 fps, 1280x1024, no AA, 16xAF, all settings on high, Vista 32bit, new crysis drivers. Rest of my rig:
Opty 170 @ 2.8Ghz, 2GB RAM, X-fi, 8800GTX @ stock
It was very smooth, although i havent got far into the demo yet, its still dark! I dont know whether overclocking the GTX will give higher fps....do u guys think its worth doing?
Opty 170 @ 2.8Ghz, 2GB RAM, X-fi, 8800GTX @ stock
It was very smooth, although i havent got far into the demo yet, its still dark! I dont know whether overclocking the GTX will give higher fps....do u guys think its worth doing?