Official Crysis Demo thread

Just tried the demo, getting 30-40 fps, 1280x1024, no AA, 16xAF, all settings on high, Vista 32bit, new crysis drivers. Rest of my rig:

Opty 170 @ 2.8Ghz, 2GB RAM, X-fi, 8800GTX @ stock

It was very smooth, although i havent got far into the demo yet, its still dark! I dont know whether overclocking the GTX will give higher u guys think its worth doing?
Just tried to play it through. It set everything to medium for my rig which is a 2gb, 1950pro and 3800x2. Ran around the 20-30fps mark, dropping as low as 10 in firefights. Then my sound went fubar so quit to desktop, will give it another try some other time when I'm bored, from what I could gather it's just Farcry again, I mean you have to disable some communications, didn't we do that in the Farcry demo lol?
spec in sig, no idea what fps is, 1680x1050 4xAA it runs smoothe as silk, i played about 2 mins of it (On XP) and WOW the graphics even on DX9.. its so exciting that iv decided to reinstall my corrupted vista on my 2nd hdd which i was leaving for a rainy day, but im doing it now instead :cool: cant wait for a bit of directx 10 action :D
Running CPU benchmark 1
Results will depend on current system settings
Press any key to continue . . .
TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 1500, Recorded Time: 44.62s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 73.78s, Average FPS: 20.33
Min FPS: 5.47 at frame 196, Max FPS: 30.24 at frame 357
Average Tri/Sec: 7120657, Tri/Frame: 350218
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 2.05

Got that with the settings on low

Running GPU benchmark 1
Results will depend on current system settings
Press any key to continue . . .
TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 76.91s, Average FPS: 26.00
Min FPS: 15.99 at frame 140, Max FPS: 36.75 at frame 969
Average Tri/Sec: 11326285, Tri/Frame: 435545
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 2.10

Thats with a 2600xt and AMD 146 both at stick
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Performance is worse than the beta for me atm...I was getting 40fps average in dx9 on high with 16xAF now im getting in the mid 20's average with no AF.
Just tried the demo, getting 30-40 fps, 1280x1024, no AA, 16xAF, all settings on high, Vista 32bit, new crysis drivers. Rest of my rig:

Opty 170 @ 2.8Ghz, 2GB RAM, X-fi, 8800GTX @ stock

It was very smooth, although i havent got far into the demo yet, its still dark! I dont know whether overclocking the GTX will give higher u guys think its worth doing?

Well i would say i get average around 25-35fps but i lag a lot, i guess need more ram.

I have 2900XT 512mb , C2DE6600 at 2.7ghz , 2x gb ram Vista 64 Home Edition!
I played with all seetings almost on Medium same res. as you. But the Game is awsome, even though i wish it would run better.

spec in sig, no idea what fps is, 1680x1050 4xAA it runs smoothe as silk, i played about 2 mins of it (On XP) and WOW the graphics even on DX9.. its so exciting that iv decided to reinstall my corrupted vista on my 2nd hdd which i was leaving for a rainy day, but im doing it now instead cant wait for a bit of directx 10 action
let us know the difference on Vista when u have tested it in fps etc ;)
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Played well and looked good, only slow downs for me was during the cut sceens.

Who else when they got their first chance cut down a tree :)
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Anyone messed around with high settings for the hell of it? The game looks fantastic at 1920x1080 with settings maxed, no AA... sluggish as hell, but fantastic
Great demo, cloak mode sort of nerfs it though. Use cloak- aim at head -switch to armor, and bam, back to cloak rinse and repeat, still fun none the less, maybe the enemies are better at detecting you when cloaked on the higher difficulty settings.

Now for the performance;
Spec- [email protected], 8GB PC5400 DDR2, 8800GTX OC2, Vista 64-bit HP
DX10, 32bit mode, 1680x1050
Everything Very High- Unplayable, about 15fps
Everything High- Unplayable still, dunno about fps
Everything on High, except shadows(medium) and post processing(very high)
quite smooth.
Medium and low, smooth as butter:)
Just had a play;

8800GTX @ Ultra
E6600 @ 3.6Ghz

Game settings:
Everything High

Game ran around 30-60FPS, it felt incredibly smooth and nice to play, sticking AA on made the game bog down a tad but with no AA it's very playable and looks amazing.

q6600 @ 2.8
2gb ram

ran nicely on high settings (going to have a good play around with the setting tomrrow) going to install it on my vista harddrive tomorrow and see how it goes

realy liked the demo takes geting use to the combat tho once you get use to the different abilitys i started to get into it

going to pre order tomorrow :)
Downloading now thanks. Enta's clogged again though, all pipes less than 4mb.....:mad:

I'm gonig to move to Be...:)
DX10 mode runs the same speed as DX9 mode.
To activate DX10 mode just set Shader quality to very high, everything else can be set as you like. Shader quality from High - Very high doesnt hit performance but gives a nice graphic upgrade.

Plays nicely with Shaders on very high (DX10), Texture & Shadows on medium, everything else on high, 1280x1024.
I downloaded it and it said it was corrupt when it was unpacking. Great :eek:

Doing it again but wont get to have a go until tommorow as its not going that fast now. Humbug!!!
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