Official Crysis Demo thread

DX10 mode runs the same speed as DX9 mode.
To activate DX10 mode just set Shader quality to very high, everything else can be set as you like. Shader quality from High - Very high doesnt hit performance but gives a nice graphic upgrade.

Plays nicely with Shaders on very high (DX10), Texture & Shadows on medium, everything else on high, 1280x1024.

Thanks for that bit of info, didnt know that will try it now :)
I have just run the benchmark and its not a pritty sight.

CPU - Everything on High 1680 x 1050

TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 1500, Recorded Time: 44.62s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 86.94s, Average FPS: 17.25
Min FPS: 9.12 at frame 1092, Max FPS: 26.84 at frame 103
Average Tri/Sec: 19985056, Tri/Frame: 1158313
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.62

GPU - Everything on High 1680 x 1050

TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 114.19s, Average FPS: 17.51
Min FPS: 9.57 at frame 1939, Max FPS: 22.25 at frame 1550
Average Tri/Sec: -16574384, Tri/Frame: -946322
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: -0.97

CPU - Everything on Medium 1680 x 1050

TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 1500, Recorded Time: 44.62s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 50.85s, Average FPS: 29.50
Min FPS: 17.49 at frame 825, Max FPS: 43.96 at frame 125
Average Tri/Sec: 23421800, Tri/Frame: 793986
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.91

GPU - Everything on Medium 1680 x 1050

TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 70.10s, Average FPS: 28.53
Min FPS: 17.96 at frame 1953, Max FPS: 42.67 at frame 1622
Average Tri/Sec: 25065064, Tri/Frame: 878493
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 1.04

This is running on Vista x64 how do I know if it is running in DX10 or DX9 mode. I might run the same benchmarks in XP to see if there is any differnce.
right, why the **** can't I preorder it? its saying "fill in the fields with asterisks"... I am doing that and it still wont let me sign up as a new customer..

Are the servers down?
Oh my God! This game is awesome!

You can ramp up the detail and get good performance providing that you can live without AA. When it comes to having either AA or eye candy, I'll take the extra eye candy every time.

Very atmospheric. Moreso than FEAR. The part in the jungle, prior to the radar jammer takedown was extremely tense.
Anyone with a Q6600 and 4GB ram and an 8800GTX post their performance/settings ?

With a Q6600 2.7ghz / 3.33gb ram / 8800gts320 I get under 30fps at 1680x1050 no FSAA all medium settings.

The FPS does not appear to change much when dropping to 1280x768 so looks like the 320MB of memory and raw power of the 8800GTS320 is not enough for this game in DX10 mode.

It's still playable of course but I need those funky graphics!

Might actually hold off until the new GTX/GTS is out I think as I don't see the new 8800GT being capable of pushing the quality levels to high/very high mixture just yet! screenshots and videos are here
BTW the load times are faster than any SOURCE game too which was fantastic, I guess it really makes use of 4GB - no stuttering either, just low fps :/
Well i played it all the way through, tweaking settings on the way to get the best playability.

I have shadows on medium, shaders on medium and post-processing on medium too, all the rest on high and the lowest fps i got was around 25 average around 50-80 and it looks sweet!
Good luck guys, i hope it works

Some shots while your waiting




Whats your average fps mate ?
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