Official Crysis Demo thread

Is it me or do the guns feel weak long distance? Those NK wouldn't go down after i've fired a bunch of rounds. You have to get right up to them. I need a scope. Is there a way to get a scope in the demo? Big maps like these are best played with a sniper.
Lordy, just been playing it. Everything 'very high' at 1920 X 1200 and it is simply stunning, it is very playable at this setting for me, but it does slow a lil bit in a close fight. But turn OFF mouse smoothing, 100% better! I'll mess with the settings to get it 100% smooth later. Nice:


I found the turtle too. He just walks along eating. lol I found him at the small peninsula just before you see the civvy boat. I reached for the camera to take a pic but i was getting shot at and died, when it went back the bugger wasn't there anymore :( He was just to the left of here:


Everything ran amazingly well and i was stunned at the sheer amount of world detail. Everything they put effort into on this has been groundbreaking. Unfortunately just after i found the turtle, i took out the guys at the civvy boat camp and as soon as i hopped onto the boat the screen went a bit nasty and i just managed to navigate menus to quit:


Vista 64
C2D @ 3.2
8800 GTX
4 GB GEIL 800 Mhz
Dell 24"
Silverstone TJ09
Raid0 setups

Photo of my rig cos i've never had an oppertunity to show it:


U play crysis on an equilizer (Spelling) and keyboard ! man you have some skillz ! :)

Honestly tho, nice looking setup.
Ahh, the piano-qwerty keyboard! is it good for gaming? i've been tempted to try it but i'm rather attached to the traditional style.

Game ran HORRIBLE on very high (dx10)
FPS measured using 60 fraps benchmark:

1680x1050, no aa :/, everything application controlled, Very High
Min - 8 Max - 19 Avg - 12.217

1680x1050, no aa, everything applicaiton controlled, High
Min: 15 Max: 28 Avg: 20.433

Thats pretty poor tbh, seeing as the gfx card is the recommened and the rest of my rig is far beyond the recommended

But the gts is recommended to run at high settings at 1280x1024, they stated anything higher than 12x10 needs a gtx ;)
on a computer screen, very overly busy scenery, loads of grass, bushes and tree's, it becomes very hard to see people, and stupidly hard to find ammo and dead guys to loot off. loads of games have gone ott on it though.

Use Binocs to highlight equipment (comes up blue) ;)

I must be blind as i cant see this "Entity" option?

Should be in something called the RollUp Bar. Alternatively, load up the Database View (Windows... Views... DB View) and load\open the vehicles library, then just simply drag and drop from there (these vehicles already have pre-set AI distances and values, etc).
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Heres something i've noticed: When i had the multiplayer version installed it ran nowhere near as good as this. I uninstalled that then installed this sp demo today, when it finished installing i ran it, but i got a window up saying i needed to install a windows update (for something to do with the way windows vista handles programs and resorces) so i done the update. Then ran the game. Left everything on very high and changed the res to 1920 X 1200 and turned on mouse smoothing.. Went into the game and it ram pretty nicely but the mouse movement felt odd so i disabled mouse smoothing, went back into the game and wow! what a difference its lovely and smooth. But it does slow a little when you close in on baddies in a camp sometimes but its still very playable even when this happens. This is the best game i've ever seen! The time thats gone into this thing is just stupidly amazing!
I picked a bird up and went throw it and died :confused:, guess that's what I get for being horrible to the birds.

I can't use the 64-Bit, as someone else mentioned, it just crashes for me during the intro or on the first screen with the disclaimer thing.
As someone else asked. Where is the install folder?.
I've searched through programs and the only thing i can find is the .exe in the games folder.

Can anyone tell me the default install folder please.
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