in the game there are these "scopes" (they're sights really) available:
Reflex Sight
Assault Rifle Sight
Sniper Scope.
in the demo (not the editor!) there are only the Irons and the reflex sight. how do i know? MP beta
i don't know why you're all complaining about crummy performance. maybe you should play the game instead of staring at fraps FGS. the game is Silky-smooth with everything on high (no AA though) at 1680x1050. no, i don't know what FPS it was getting. i didn't bother checking.
the 64-bit version also works just fine for me. (running XP-64)
i've got a Q6600 @ 3.0GHz, 4GB PC2-6400 and an 8800GTX @ stock
Which gfx driver are you using?