Official Crysis Demo thread


well i ran this on win vista 32, 8800gtx ultra 2gig ram,and i had optimised settings everything on veryhigh details. and it ran prety damn poor even with the latest drivers recomended for the game,
so i messed with it a fair bit and tried lowering shadows etc and really i dont get anything spectaculor going on the mouse lag for me just seems terrible even when u turn down the option to get the mouse lag reduced it's still prety shambolic,
i then ran it up on win xp with same drivers and settings althou u cant select ultra high just set's it at High it ran totally smooth on xp with the same drivers recomended there was no shocking mouse lag, and it actually seemed half decent on xp.
now im not sure on what's up with the dx10 version over xp but it's a massive diference in performance on xp over vista and i like vista but this game runs trash on vista compared to xp at the current time.
And there is no way im going to spend another 400 quid on a gcard just to run this game the whole games Market seems to be a total shambles tbh,
it's constant upgrades and money money money to get a game that should run decent now on current hardware..
i mean im running Qcore processor, 2gig fast xhair ram,and the top 8800gtx card from ocuk at around the 400 quid mark ....
Played it. Hate it.

AI is so amusingly bad, it's actually a chore to play and I can't stand how it can take upto 10-15 bullets just to kill a guy.

Graphics are great, physics are okay, I prefer the Havok physics engine (Source games, Company of Heroes) but the gameplay is poo.

Try playing it on hard;) Then come back and say the AI is crap.
as said previously. take the silencer off the weapon. 3 shot kills. 2 if you hit a decent none armoured area.

i dont think the AI is amazing but its a good game + real nice graphics. not really Poo, although it depends how the rest of the levels go.
Using Vista 64 and decided to install sandbox, although i am logged in as an administrator its halting the install and giving a 1303 error. I've tried right clicking on the icon to run as an admin but there aint any options for that under security? how do i install this is Vist64?
Oh dear, seems like my x1900xt has succumbed to the inevitable. After the decent performance from UT2007 and CoD 4 I thought I'd get lucky with Crysis too, but it seems that is simply not to be. :(

It's more than playable at 1680x1050 @ medium details but once you jump to high details, frame rates plummet well below 30fps and into slideshow territory. Adding 4xAA allows me to count the frames with my fingers, lol. :p The problem is the difference between medium and high is quite dramatic, therefore I'll be getting the game when the next generation of cards come out. It still looks ok at medium (a bit better than Farcry at max details) but a lot of the atmospheric qualities and micro detail is lost hence it's not worth playing at the moment as it would spoil the experience.

In any case the opening scene inside the aircraft (before the jump) is probably some of the best game graphics I've ever seen. I thought it was a HD video playing untill I realised you could move the mouse! :eek:
I think im settled on Dx9 all high at 1280x1024 in xp as its completely smooth I lose about 4 frames on the average in vista dx9 and vista dx10 very high is a no go with my card as im waiting for the next gen:

2007-10-27 17:30:48 - Crysis
Frames: 26907 - Time: 879231ms - Avg: 30.602 - Min: 23 - Max: 61
Thought the demo looked great and gameplay was good, bit easy mind with stealth but harder with larger groups of enemys. Will keep my pre order. :) 1680x1050 On high with shadows on medium runs well on My 3.5Ghz Duo, 2GB and 8800GTS 640mb
you guys that cant get the game to run with good fps on a 8800 gtx must be trying it a silly res!

i running at 1440x990 very high everything no aa , and it runs great! no slowdown at around 45 50 fps , and thats with a core2duo at 3.78 ghz 2 gb mem
I am unable to get it working properly. Game seems to be running but I can't really see anything. Everything is very dark with the odd flash of white. I didn't expect to run it on anything but low-med but hoped it would work. Any ideas?

Opty 170 @ 3Ghz
1 GB Ram
WIndows XP.

It looks as if it might be a driver issue but I have just installed the new ones.

Go Back to 7.7 drivers until ATI get a chance to set new drivers up for the Game
I'm playing on AMD 3800 64 bit, 2 gig ram, 256meg x1950pro, vista 64bit premium, sata HD. If i select any other graphics settings less than high i get ok performance but thats mainly due to the fact everything disappears off view other than the terrain. It turned into a game of invisible men shooting invisible men. Of course on high i get about 10fps which ain't no use to man nor beast.

Anyone else had this? Latest drivers etc all dl'd
Hey all, I'm new to these forums as of yesterday :)

I was just wondering what the performance of the demo was like on a single core system?
I've got an old socket 754 3400+ in my system at the mo, along with an 8800GTS (yay bottlenecking! :D) and 1.5 gigs of RAM, and I was just hoping that it would be playable at medium settings @ 1280x1024. - Is this reasonable to assume? I'm on XP.

should be fine at that res and settings...even though you could try with all high settings and low physics and shadows and see how that works.

oh and welcome to the forums
Pretty cool demo, playing as sig with everything on high and slowling turning things down to medium. Must say thought that i will play ok with everything on high and did so for quite a while. Just thoguht i got a little jerky when lots going on.
Got a bit more of the demo to play as only at the checkpoint on the ridge loking over the sea.
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