Official Crysis Demo thread

Editor Hints and Tips

Installing the editor
Firstly, you need to install the editor. This is found at:

Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis SP Demo\Sandbox2 Installer

Secondly you need to run the editor, this is not done from in the game. The editor runs as a window. You will find the editor in:

Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis SP Demo\Bin32\Editor.exe

Loading in a map
Firstly you need to load in the map, so go to file, open and go to islands (you should alread be in the levels folder, under game), i believe there is only one island you can load named island.cry

This will take a while to load, as its loading all of the map info, but if you havnt edited a map before this loading is hardly anything and is amazing considering the scale of what its loading.

Navigating the map
CryEditor gives you an amazing real time display of whats going on in your map, but imagine the world is in pause until you get in-game. To move around this map use WASD as you would any FPS. Other controls include holding right click and rotating with the mouse to move your view. Scrolling the mouse wheel will zoom in and out. Holding the mouse wheel down and moving the mouse up/down will change your elevation.

Getting in-game
The wonderful thing with cryeditor is the immediate drop-in. This is done with ctrl+g. Be careful you will literally drop in from your view, so if your miles high you will die. Get the view near the ground.

Adding Items
On the right of the screen are your main tools. You should be on Objects, where you will see Entities. This are things you can add to a level. You can drag any of these items into the map, its best to do this near the ground at eye level, otherwise you can have items added below the map. If you cant find an item but know it is on the map then you can always duplicate that item. You can do this by clicking the item in the main window. Make sure you do not have anything on the right tools selected otherwise you cant select items. Then press ctrl+c to duplicate the item.

Moving items
At the top of the screen you should see a pointer selected. The tools next to this dictate move, scale, rotate etc. In order to move anything in the game select the move tool and put your mouse over an item. You should see several axis on which you can control. You can control multiple axis at a time by hovering over the square between two axis. Then simply left click and hold and drag.

That should get you started for now.
some help please if anyone knows the answer
Seems that none of the widescreen screen res are showing in the options.
Ideally want to play in 1680x1050 but it's not listed nor is any other widescreen res.

Am i missing something else?

Editor Hints and Tips

Installing the editor
Firstly, you need to install the editor. This is found at:

Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis SP Demo\Sandbox2 Installer

Secondly you need to run the editor, this is not done from in the game. The editor runs as a window. You will find the editor in:

Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis SP Demo\Bin32\Editor.exe

Loading in a map
Firstly you need to load in the map, so go to file, open and go to islands (you should alread be in the levels folder, under game), i believe there is only one island you can load named island.cry

This will take a while to load, as its loading all of the map info, but if you havnt edited a map before this loading is hardly anything and is amazing considering the scale of what its loading.

Navigating the map
CryEditor gives you an amazing real time display of whats going on in your map, but imagine the world is in pause until you get in-game. To move around this map use WASD as you would any FPS. Other controls include holding right click and rotating with the mouse to move your view. Scrolling the mouse wheel will zoom in and out. Holding the mouse wheel down and moving the mouse up/down will change your elevation.

Getting in-game
The wonderful thing with cryeditor is the immediate drop-in. This is done with ctrl+g. Be careful you will literally drop in from your view, so if your miles high you will die. Get the view near the ground.

Adding Items
On the right of the screen are your main tools. You should be on Objects, where you will see Entities. This are things you can add to a level. You can drag any of these items into the map, its best to do this near the ground at eye level, otherwise you can have items added below the map. If you cant find an item but know it is on the map then you can always duplicate that item. You can do this by clicking the item in the main window. Make sure you do not have anything on the right tools selected otherwise you cant select items. Then press ctrl+c to duplicate the item.

Moving items
At the top of the screen you should see a pointer selected. The tools next to this dictate move, scale, rotate etc. In order to move anything in the game select the move tool and put your mouse over an item. You should see several axis on which you can control. You can control multiple axis at a time by hovering over the square between two axis. Then simply left click and hold and drag.

That should get you started for now.

Cheers gord :D
Oh dear, seems like my x1900xt has succumbed to the inevitable. After the decent performance from UT2007 and CoD 4 I thought I'd get lucky with Crysis too, but it seems that is simply not to be. :(

It's more than playable at 1680x1050 @ medium details but once you jump to high details, frame rates plummet well below 30fps and into slideshow territory. Adding 4xAA allows me to count the frames with my fingers, lol. :p The problem is the difference between medium and high is quite dramatic, therefore I'll be getting the game when the next generation of cards come out. It still looks ok at medium (a bit better than Farcry at max details) but a lot of the atmospheric qualities and micro detail is lost hence it's not worth playing at the moment as it would spoil the experience.

In any case the opening scene inside the aircraft (before the jump) is probably some of the best game graphics I've ever seen. I thought it was a HD video playing untill I realised you could move the mouse! :eek:

:D, Ouch.
Heh, in the Editor find the plane you jump out of in the beginning of the demo. The guys in the nano suits are standing in the air with really small parachutes. Oh, and if you press Ctrl+G whilst inside the plane it's like you start the demo from the beginning again with the cutscene and everything.
2xAA and everything on High and it's totaly playable, have not run Fraps and don't need to know the FPS as it's just fine and looks :eek:

Guess only gaming @ 1440x900 comes in handy here.

Who said S939 is dying out (but no dought the GTX is doing some of the work:p)
Haha, i got there in the end... Nice landing by me don't you think? This is just beyond awesome, i'm buying 2 copies of this just for the hell of it incase one of the DVDs gets into a freak accident involving an angle grinder or summin! lol

I've made maps for all kinds of shooters, mainly the quake series and UT but i'm in heaven with this.. no wonder they pulled off a groundbreaking game with this editor!!!

low res and high settings is what Im using. You shouldnt have to go that low with a gtx

I was aswell but turn to low shaders and shadows and postprocessing and i could up the res quite a lot so there is a lot of options to get framerate up to see if 1920 x 1050 was ok and i was getting about 25 to 30 frames on a 320.
So when full game comes out i need to deside what res i play at.
How much difference in performance are people finding between DX9 and DX10 modes? The game was barely playable under DX10 for me. As soon as i switched to DX9 i could run it on high settings at my dells native resolution with no problems (No AA admittedly).
well it runs great, very smooth and has some nice touches but .... i didnt like farcry and this is the same with a new gfx engine, the AI is easy to kid and i all i could think about whilst playing was 'im missing out on some team fortress2 playtime' ... the novelty value is good with the suit and destructible trees but its missing something which i can only put down to the hype ...

surely one day someone will forget about the garnish and write a truly groundbreaking game like Deus Ex/ss2 or dare i say half-life but until then they will sit head and shoulders above all else

i know a few peeps who have it on pre-order so ill be able to play the full game, but until then knowing this is a demo ill say 5/10
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