Official Crysis Demo thread

Seems to me that AA kills the fps in this game more than anything else. Which is a shame because 4xAA looks sooo nice.

I've settled for Everything on High except shadows & post processing & no AA this makes it really nice & smooth on my rig
Raped my system but ran ok at high with medium object detail and shadows 1280x800, only dropped to 22-24 fps a couple of times, normally 35 ish. The AI is generally good but a bit suspect on occasion. One moment saw an alerted troop come round the corner to find two dead comrades riddled with bullets and a flaming jeep parked on its side halfway through the sidewall of their garage before deciding "It must be a false alarm".
Well I had a blast of this last night, for the benefit of people with less than great rigs it ran beautifully on my computer all options set to medium apart from shadows @1240x1040.

I first of all had major graphical issues until i downloaded the latest drivers from nvidia, that fixed it completely.


It seems a good game so far and i had a whale of a time just tearing buildings down :) The different modes of the suit don't make you as invincible as i thought it could which is good to see :)
Looking forward to the full release :)
I am having a blast with this game, i think the grenades are great fun, nice sound and love the particles from them look real good. Now all i need is a decent card to run max. :)
game is good but does make me think of farcry modded.also if you cant play it at a decent res and with at least high settings i wouldnt play it as at lower settings it looks crap and there is a lot of difference in the settings.
Silly question but is there an option to manually set DX10 / DX9 when playing in Vista? Only i can't see anything in the options unless i am blind / stupid / both.

I was just wondering what sort of perfomance difference it would make.

I get around 15-20 fps on my rig with everything set to very high (auto detected settings) and 4x AA (manually set) 8800gtx @ stock with physx card rest of spec in sig monitor is only capable of 1280x1024 running with Vista.
A little underwhelmed by it so far.

Finally had chance to install the download this morning, set everything on high (very high greyed out as I'm on XP/DX9), bit of extra blood, AA 4x, and 1600x900 (highest in the list ????? )
Brought the rig to a standstill (well ok about 8 FPS) unplayable like that TBH

Duo core 6600 @3.2GHZ
Twin 1950XTX 512MB in crossfire
2GB...... (edit this in a mo as I forgot lol)
Bad axe M/B
Latest ATI /catalyst drivers.

Thought it would do better TBH. :(

LOL You are waay too optimistic.

The game could do with some draw distance sliders to help with performance. But on my 8800 (1680x1050 res) and amd x2 4600 it ran in the 30s with a few of the important things on high and the rest on medium + 4xAA; not ideal but still very playable especially if you turn the FPS count off so you notice it less. Nowhere near as much skipping as you've seen in the videos either.
But this is definetly the best looking game I've played in my life. I have no complaints about the gameplay either, except its apparent short duration :/
Setting its priority to high on vista 64 helped my FPS a massive amount, Surpised me, Thought I would make no difference. Played the demo solid from about 8pm to 5am last night, Don't think I've played a demo so much since the original UT demo :D

Everytime I play through it something new happens, So great game. :)
congrats on the giant chicken kill Mint Sauce!

Crysis is VERY backward compatible! Just Ran it on:

Sempron 2600+
512mb DDR 3200
9600PRO 256mb

lol was only at 800x600 but was getting an average 20FPS was actually playable!
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