** Official Days Gone Thread **

Think I will be getting back into this tonight. Been busy with Metro Exodus, but finished that last night so back to Days Gone again - only put in 5 or 6 hours so far but thought the game was great. Didnt read too much into the reviews as I knew I would like the game so had it on pre-order anyway.

But too many games, arrgh still not started RDR2 yet either on my PS4Pro!
Feel bad for the Devs for this game. Harshest reviews ever on this one by the critics; ticks all the boxes of a really good, even great, game for me thus far. One of the best PS4 exclusives imo. Probably should have delayed release by a couple of months to get it patched to where it is now e.g. no crashes, no bugs, stable decent performance (pro). The motorbike is a superb mode of transport for an Open world game like this. Love the way the handling changes based on weather/terrain too.

Not finished the main campaign yet but does anybody know if there’s gonna be any SP new DLC campaign?
I'm sure Sony said they would be releasing something every few months for free.
Is it worth trying to kill as many infected as possible, or does it matter very little really (thinking of using ammo etc)? I see the missions are quite abit of Trust and, the bounties are quite small - Unless they get worth more later on
Is it worth trying to kill as many infected as possible, or does it matter very little really (thinking of using ammo etc)? I see the missions are quite abit of Trust and, the bounties are quite small - Unless they get worth more later on

Hordes yes but otherwise no, as you said missions are worth much more, kill them if they get in your way but wouldn't go out of your way to hunt them.
German update video, seems they are adding challenges and stuff like that.

A translation i saw in the comments.

"English translation: 1. survival mode: Merciless enemies, immersive hud, 2. fighting challenges 3. Horde challenges 4. bike challenges 5. Challenge rewards: New bike Designs, Charakter designs (boozer etc.), badges for the vest, New Rings with perks on it! Best lists (where you can compare with other players) 12 weeks, 12 challenges!"
Completed it last night, I presume everyone has done the epilogue missions post-credits (really 4 cutscenes rather than missions), interesting ending...

So O'brien is actually infected and an evolved form...sheesh, sets up a sequel nicely...
I'm not sure if I like or dislike the way Storylines work, I seem to be getting confused as to what's what lol, I keep getting thrown updates and new objectives all over the shop. Still loving the game, looking forward to seeing what these Hordes are all about I keep hearing...
At my first horde; the one that you have to do (wimped out on them prior to this). Have died quite a lot (hard difficulty), any tips?
At my first horde; the one that you have to do (wimped out on them prior to this). Have died quite a lot (hard difficulty), any tips?

You can cheese it by going into the Bar near the horde, the way closes behind you and the horde can't get in and you're free to kill most of them from the roof.
Story certainly improves as do the characters despite some odd delivery of lines, it's an interesting world to explore too.

Taking on zombie hordes is probably the highlight for me so far, I love setting up traps and working out how I'm going to funnel them into a kill zone.

Shame the human enemies are so poor, amongst the worst AI I can remember.
  • Get seen for a split second and every enemy in the area instantly knows where you are
  • Enemy accuracy is insane
  • They continue to track you even when there is no way they saw you move to a new position
  • They find a dead body and just carry on like nothing happened
  • You can't stealth attack a sitting enemy or one leaning against a wall
  • They don't run from grenades/pipe bombs
  • They all run to attractors (makes sense for zombies but not humans)
  • Enemies with guns rarely move once they are shooting from cover
  • Enemies without guns just run straight at you

I'm still having a great time but if the AI was even half-decent this would be right up there on my top 10 list.
Unlocked the platinum trophy for this today. It was fun, but don't think i'll bother with the challenges.

One of the bad points about being an early adopter and hammering a game until you Platinum it, you feel burned out and don't really want to go back by the time the updates and new stuff appears. I feel the same !
Is this worth picking up then? It didn't get an amazing response when released but you lot seem to like it. Did they ever fix the y-axis when riding the bike as that's a deal breaker for me if I can't reverse it.

I've got 2 weeks off work soon and I'm after a good game to keep me busy, and the steelbook is going pretty cheap.
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