** Official Days Gone Thread **

Anyone have any idea why hordes are not appearing at the moment in cascade?

I'm pretty sure I've nearly done all 8 in the area. It's strange because when you go to the map and it has the figures for what you have done so far it's saying I've only done 4 out of 8. I've taken a trip around all the 8 horde locations in the day time and I've done this a couple of times on different gaming sessions and it's as if they've all been cleared yet its only saying I've done 4.

I've also taken out a sermon post in cascade of which on the figures it says there is one and it's saying its 0/1 as if I haven't cleared it. Yet when I go to where its surpose to be its not there and I'm pretty sure I took it out on another session when I cleared the radio tower.

Anybody had any experience of this?
So this might have been asked in the previous pages but I’m not going looking in case there are any spoilers.

So, I’ve reached a point where it says if I proceed, the northern regions will become locked out. Does this mean forever or just whilst doing more story? I.e. after the main story is complete, can you go anywhere to finish off getting collectibles, hordes, etc. or do you have to 100% the three north regions before moving south?
So this might have been asked in the previous pages but I’m not going looking in case there are any spoilers.

So, I’ve reached a point where it says if I proceed, the northern regions will become locked out. Does this mean forever or just whilst doing more story? I.e. after the main story is complete, can you go anywhere to finish off getting collectibles, hordes, etc. or do you have to 100% the three north regions before moving south?

It opens back up for endgame content. No worries.

edit. You’re enjoying it then ? It’s starts off slow, but gets really good. The game is worth the slow start. (The bike running like a bag of spanners at the beginning doesn’t help)
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edit. You’re enjoying it then ? It’s starts off slow, but gets really good. The game is worth the slow start. (The bike running like a bag of spanners at the beginning doesn’t help)

Very much. I’m intrigued by the NERO/Sarah arc but I would have killed Boozer by now. What an absolutely annoying nob he is.
Game gets brilliant when you move south. Shame it takes so long for things to actually get started, which probably put off a lot of reviewers on time constraints right off.
I enjoyed it aside from the hordes. Never finished it but think I was close. Will do some time unless my cloud save vanished.
I don’t know whether it’s a bug but I couldn’t fill up ammo from my saddlebags. If you change guns at a locker somewhere, can you end up having the wrong ammo on your bike?

The hordes are easily my favourite part of the game but even on easy they seem so difficult to deal with. I’m hoping you get some kind of super weapon to help you with them. There seem to be a lot of red crates at NERO checkpoints that I can’t do anything with yet - and the right button on the D-pad is mysteriously red…

EDIT: I got a new submachine gun that tears through them. I managed to clear one at last night. Great fun.

EDIT2: Must have been a bug as I couldn't stealth kill a Breaker either even after getting the skill. Going to try again now.
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I don’t know whether it’s a bug but I couldn’t fill up ammo from my saddlebags. If you change guns at a locker somewhere, can you end up having the wrong ammo on your bike?

The hordes are easily my favourite part of the game but even on easy they seem so difficult to deal with. I’m hoping you get some kind of super weapon to help you with them. There seem to be a lot of red crates at NERO checkpoints that I can’t do anything with yet - and the right button on the D-pad is mysteriously red…

EDIT: I got a new submachine gun that tears through them. I managed to clear one at last night. Great fun.

I found that as soon as you get the Napalm its easy to hide somewhere in bushes and then throw a attracter and wait for them to pile on and then throw the napalm. Do that a couple of times and it really thins then out. The only ones i had a bit of trouble with were the one in the little town by the trains thats part of the story and the one by the golf course that is pretty huge! Oh and sawmill!
Blimey, this is a long game. It feels like 880 days gone since I started it. :p
Still got me on the edge of my seat though, especially when you hear the horde music and you know they are somewhere near you.
Blimey, this is a long game. It feels like 880 days gone since I started it. :p
Still got me on the edge of my seat though, especially when you hear the horde music and you know they are somewhere near you.
I was looting a car boot around some train tracks at night a few hours after I started, heard a rumbling behind me, turned round as a horde swamped me. :p wasn’t a big one, but I still died lol
I always found the Wolves scarier than the zombies in this game. There I am calmly picking flowers and stuff from the ground when I fling the controller at the wall after a wolf appears out of no where.
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