** Official Days Gone Thread **

Boy, I did a few of the earlier hordes without too much fuss but the one you're force to take on was huge! Had to retreat to my bike to stock up on ammo but made it in the end.
Boy, I did a few of the earlier hordes without too much fuss but the one you're force to take on was huge! Had to retreat to my bike to stock up on ammo but made it in the end.

I’m at that point. Hadn’t taken out any other hordes prior to that but yeah it’s causing me a lot of problems. What tactic did you use?
I'd maxxed out my focus. So it was fully stocked napalm, attractors, bombs, grenades. When those ran out, funnel them through a chokepoint, focus, LMG, run!, focus cocktail, LMG, run!

I'd also leave a trail of proximity mines/bombs along your escape route.

Once youve done this horde the others are a breeze, but still fun
I’m at that point. Hadn’t taken out any other hordes prior to that but yeah it’s causing me a lot of problems. What tactic did you use?
If it's the one I'm thinking I left my bike in the train tunnel and went forward and hid, threw an attractor bomb into them then legged it and hid again (they only look so far if you're not too heavy on the attack), there were so many of them bunched up it took loads out. Repeated this three times, then repeated with napalm, then finished the rest off with the LMG.
I’m at that point. Hadn’t taken out any other hordes prior to that but yeah it’s causing me a lot of problems. What tactic did you use?

I took my bike down (with ammo saddle bags) and parked it just outside the main area. Ran in and threw some napalm then used the chopper machine gun (with focus) to take out as many as I could until they got too close at which point I legged it to the bike and drove around the outer perimeter until I had some breathing room. Repeat until they're dead, restocking on ammo from the bike as needed.

The chopper was key for me as it has 275 ammo (if you've got the extra ammo skill) and takes down freaks pretty fast. I tried using traps but kept finding 1-2 freaks would be ahead of the main pack and would set it off too early.
Finished the main story and "secret" ending last night, felt it lost its way a bit in the last few hours and the ending was a bit anticlimactic compared to some of the action before. I guess part of the problem of having huge zombie hordes is that small scale human battles are always going to be a bit underwhelming (more so due to the shonky AI).

Done about half of the hordes, not sure I'll bother with the rest or getting every collectible since the nero intel and character ones require using a guide which is just busy work rather than any fun.

Really enjoyed it overall, probably 8/10 for me, marred only by the human AI (awful) and a few bugs/performance issues.
not sure I'll bother with the rest or getting every collectible since the nero intel and character ones require using a guide which is just busy work rather than any fun.

You don't need 100% of the collectibles to get the Platinum Trophy if that's a concern. Just sayin' :)
How far have I got left to go? I have just reached Wizard Island, and the map still seems huge with lots left undiscovered - In terms of main story, how many hours would you say is left to play?

I have been doing all the side missions so far, but getting a little repetitive, so may just plough through the main story
How far have I got left to go? I have just reached Wizard Island, and the map still seems huge with lots left undiscovered - In terms of main story, how many hours would you say is left to play?

I have been doing all the side missions so far, but getting a little repetitive, so may just plough through the main story

I'd say about 2/3 of the way. More or less.
How far have I got left to go? I have just reached Wizard Island, and the map still seems huge with lots left undiscovered - In terms of main story, how many hours would you say is left to play?

I have been doing all the side missions so far, but getting a little repetitive, so may just plough through the main story

I'd suggest cracking through the main story at that point, the side missions don't really change but close to the end you'll unlock the horde locations which adds a bit of variety. I'd say you're more like halfway through the story but if you've been hammering side missions then more like 2/3 through the game.
I just received a rental copy of this from Boomerang. So far I'm enjoying it, though I also understand and agree with some of the criticism. I don't think it's as polished or impressive as the big AAA third-person games of this generation (RDR2, HZD, God of War, Spider-Man, AC:Odyssey), but it's still a lot of fun. The world is impressive, the freaks are genuinely challenging in larger groups (though get a lot easier once you start getting better weapons and items), the story is interesting - if a bit cliched and meandering, and it's a nice looking game too.

I'd agree with the 7/10 metacritic average, it's a better than average game that could have been amazing if it had better gunplay and bike handling, a slightly more focused storyline and a bit less repetition in side quests (though this is a problem that plagues most open world games).
Almost got the platinum but really struggling with the Burnout Trophy.
You have to drift and nitro for 5 seconds, any tips?

Make sure your nitros is fully upgraded, find a flat area, get some speed tap circle (don't hold it down) to enter a drift and keep the analog stick about 2/3 to the direction you want to turn. Once you've done atleast 1 full circle (you wan't to make sure the circle isn't too tight that it causes the bike to turn 180), hold nitro down until the trophy pops.
I'd agree with the 7/10 metacritic average, it's a better than average game that could have been amazing if it had better gunplay and bike handling, a slightly more focused storyline and a bit less repetition in side quests (though this is a problem that plagues most open world games).
The bike handling vastly improves as you upgrade, the initial handling is intentional but maybe a little too poor tbf. The storyline is great, not sure how far you are but it gets better and better as it and the characters develop. I don't think I can name any similar game where the side quests are not also repetitive to be honest.
I think The Witcher series is probably one of the few where side quests have genuinely good stories, the ones in Days Gone are largely just "there are some bad people, kill them" or "some bad people have a good person, kill them". That said, the main story is pretty solid and as justbeats says, the characters develop pretty well other than perhaps the last 10% of the game where it doesn't quite nail the landing for me.
I haven't played The Witcher so can't comment, but I found the HZD side quests, especially the 'follow the footsteps' ones, extremely tedious. It must be fairly hard as a developer to throw in new ides so late in a game though to be fair.
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