*****Official Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution discussion thread*****

How long does it take for batteries to recharge, or dont they? I'm not that far in, but I've got cloak, it last like 5 seconds and now I have one green battery and 2 red and the 2 red dont seem to be coming back? Do I need to buy something for them to recharge or do they just take a long time?


Neutriant Bars or tubs will recharge the secnd 2 the first takes about 30 seconds to recharge!
Only the first battery recharges. for the others you need to eat those powerboost bars (look like white protein bars or protein shake tubs)
Oh man I been throwing them away as well lol, I'll try keep hold of any of them from now on then, cheers.

I reckon I'm only 5 hours in but I've been getting bored with side missions so just going to stick to main missions now...I'm hoping the game isn't going to get better at this point.

It hasnt really grabbed me like mafia 2 or deadspace did, and I loved all the previous deus ex games, ill stick with it though.
Steam says 37 hours played, i'm just at the end of Canada - but I did restart after about 10 hours. It's taking a while as i'm ghosting the game and hunting through everything. Suspect i'll have most upgrades by the end. Got my moneys worth for sure. Never bothered with fortify hacking, don't see the point.
It highlights walls that can be broken if you have the aug. If you don't then you'll just have to keep an eye out for cracked walls. The aug pays for itself in China, 1 wall you can break in the sewers has a Praxis Kit behind it.

There is one behind a wall in the sewers in Detroit also. I also remember finding one at the bottom of a elevator shaft on my first play through somewhere.

On my first play through I had pretty much upgraded everything. Needed like maybe 10 more praxis points to have everything. But then it takes time. Anything that I could see I would hack, and not just that, would get the extra xp for hacking properly ;)

Second play through at the moment loving it. Already found a bunch of stuff I missed the first time :)

I think people that are not enjoying it or don't get it are mostly because they do not like this genre or type of game. If you were looking for an fps style game this you will definitely be disappointed. For me it's all about the story and the freedom to explore. Finding something new every play through that you did not notice before, love that feeling.

Well pre-ordering which is something I hardly ever do anymore :D
Steam says 37 hours played, i'm just at the end of Canada - but I did restart after about 10 hours. It's taking a while as i'm ghosting the game and hunting through everything. Suspect i'll have most upgrades by the end. Got my moneys worth for sure. Never bothered with fortify hacking, don't see the point.

I think my first play through took around that long, i was playing all day when i got it on friday and 85% of my time spent awake during the weekend was playing it. I dont know moderation :p

It always takes me a while to learn the different city areas but once ive learned them its a doddle. The map system is pretty good if i get lost but it would be better if some of the exits were more clearly marked on the map, a lot of them are just breaks in the wall. Its a minor niggle though.

I will try fortify hacking this run through to see how i get on with it. I have a bit of an issue with hacking where i will sometimes use a nuke or stop instead of fortifying or capturing as the buttons stick on the screen and the command my cursor is over wont be the command i use when i click but maybe im just retarded. Its a shame you cant bind each command to a key and just use the mouse to select nodes, it would be much easier for me.
Really? I failed so many times on her - didn't think to use that, my F8 key suffered much erosion thanks to her lol.

Took me a handful of tries before I realised that I shouldn't have put my Praxis points from about an hour ago at the time onto something I didn't need during that mission. I then reloaded a save just prior to the cutscene and fight to see if I could find enough XP to get another Praxis so I could get the aug that makes you resistant to electricity. Unfortunately, after going back and hacking a dozen PCs and security pads, as well as KO'ing all the guys I avoided, I was 95XP away from a Praxis point (though it was still pretty good going considering I had about 3500XP to go when I decided to do this backtracking).

Anyway, as I couldn't get the aug I so desperately needed, I just went in to try my luck again. Beat her first try. :o Guess my fully upgraded pistol was more powerful than I thought (was previously using a vanilla Heavy Rifle thinking that size = better).
I will try fortify hacking this run through to see how i get on with it. I have a bit of an issue with hacking where i will sometimes use a nuke or stop instead of fortifying or capturing as the buttons stick on the screen and the command my cursor is over wont be the command i use when i click but maybe im just retarded. Its a shame you cant bind each command to a key and just use the mouse to select nodes, it would be much easier for me.

I've not done it as much as I did in the leaked build but I have wasted the odd nuke/stop thanks to the stupid hacking UI. I've said many times that they could've quite easily connected the 4 buttons to the WASD keys and let you select the node manually and quickly press which you wanted. Would give you so much more control.
Just got to China and I have a choice to either kill or knockout, erm, chan is his name? Problem is, regardless of wether I press "q" once or hold it down, I ALWAYS kill the guy? Whats happening?
Second boss... would help if you have more than 60 rounds for the pistol to take out all the minions before hand. :confused: Or am I missing a trick here?
Just got to China and I have a choice to either kill or knockout, erm, chan is his name? Problem is, regardless of wether I press "q" once or hold it down, I ALWAYS kill the guy? Whats happening?

If you're just punching him (pressing Q) and he has the dead body icon when you interact with the body, it must be a bug. If it shows a "ZzZz" icon, then he's only unconscious.
Second boss... would help if you have more than 60 rounds for the pistol to take out all the minions before hand. :confused: Or am I missing a trick here?

Remember when you were walking through the lab before your ex got killed and she stopped to talk to a general? There was a demo in the room for the letter agencies if I recall correctly.
If you're just punching him (pressing Q) and he has the dead body icon when you interact with the body, it must be a bug. If it shows a "ZzZz" icon, then he's only unconscious.

Thats the thing, regardless of how I press Q, the killiing sequence comes up.

Lets get this right -

Press Q - knock him out
Hold Q - Kill him?

Edit: Nvm, worked this time after a reload. Must have been a bug!
I've put a few points in to stealth hacking and one in to fortify which is probably not needed. Also i have out some in to cloak which i'm not sure about.

I am a completely stealthy player going for no kills, i'm not sure what to upgrade next I have 2 points atm so i am looking to activate either the leg one for silent running etc or the stealth ones which give you details on enemy movement and everything(is it strange as a stealth player that i haven't upgraded them enough?)

I'm glad i have put some in to hacking though as i do find the odd one quite difficult.

I have just found the hacker guy in China, How far through would you say i am? Steam says 12 hours played. (lol at the guy saying there was about 4hours of content without cutscenes:confused:)
Also does it count offline as well(i'm almost certain it does, but not sure)
Remember when you were walking through the lab before your ex got killed and she stopped to talk to a general? There was a demo in the room for the letter agencies if I recall correctly.

Oh I've not bothered getting Typhoon. :(
Going a bit off topic here, and towards the morals behind the story:

As an electronic engineering student, with the opportunity to study bioelectronics next year, and the potential for biomedical engineering (Glasgow Uni has just started a course in this, and one guy I know did an MSc in Biomedical Engineering, and another is doing a PhD) I find all this quite interesting.

The game does focus around an issue which is very real, and upcoming. I mean, we already have some of these "augmentations" as you wish. I need to watch the Eyeborg documentary still, as it sounds interesting. Fun of the game aside, I think it does touch on a very important issue regarding the combination of engineering with biology and medicine, and how we will embrace these technologies in the future.
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