Official DFI NF4Ultra-D/SLi owners thread.

Toblaki said:
Hi, im new to the board - hello all :)

I have a dfi-ultra D with a 3700 san diego - but i have terrible problems getting it stable above 2500mhz. Im using corsair tccd, and the only bios i can get any overclock at all on is 414-3 (although i havent tried the 511-1/2 etc.)

Does anyone have any good tips to increase stability?
I've heard of numerous compatability problems with the Corsair TCCD and DFI's - perhaps it's that? Maybe a bit more Vcore perhaps? That's all I can think of without more info.
surge said:
EDIT: probably cos its too loud ;) You need some nice quiet, good watercooling Concorde :)

Nah its in a diff room to the one I sleep in, I have it turn on @ 6 because if its on all night it gets really hot in here, maybe during the winter I will leave em on 24/7.

Thanks for that smids - could someone recommend some ram that would go well with this, i dont mind spending a bit of money to sort out the problem.

I did have a winnie 3000 on before i bought the san diego, and i had no problem getting that up to 290fsb with the corsair.

I did some messing around this morning, trying the ram in the yellow slots rather than the orange, and i couldnt even get it to post at 2.5ghz anymore, so im guessing that might well indicate its memory related.

I wouldnt mind going to 2gb of ram - and was looking at the patriot 2 x 1gb stuff (Patriot Dual Channel 2GB PC3200 DDR (2x1024MB) Low Latency Kit) is there problems with running more than a gig of ram in the dfi's?
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Toblaki said:
Thanks for that smids - could someone recommend some ram that would go well with this, i dont mind spending a bit of money to sort out the problem.

I did have a winnie 3000 on before i bought the san diego, and i had no problem getting that up to 290fsb with the corsair.

I did some messing around this morning, trying the ram in the yellow slots rather than the orange, and i couldnt even get it to post at 2.5ghz anymore, so im guessing that might well indicate its memory related.

I wouldnt mind going to 2gb of ram - and was looking at the patriot 2 x 1gb stuff (Patriot Dual Channel 2GB PC3200 DDR (2x1024MB) Low Latency Kit) is there problems with running more than a gig of ram in the dfi's?

The yellow slots can have problems! You can run 2GB fine with the newer BIOSes. Have you checked the Corsair support forums here?

Otherwise the patriot stuff should be OK. A lot of people (including me :) ) have had a lot of success with this board using GSkill 4400LE (or FF if you have money to burn)
Toblaki said:
I was looking at the Gskill stuff, what is the difference between *** LE and FF? I dont have money to burn, but i do want to get the right stuff :)

AFAIK FF is absolutely guaranteed to do DDR 600 at 2.5 4 4 8 1T on the DFI. But most people can get the LE to do it too- mine is running @600 2.5 4 3 7 at 1T as I type this :)
Ive been playing around today and had a bit of success - i changed the usb jumper, and gave the 510-1 bios a go, a voila, i can get to 2.65 now with 11x, i couldnt use the 11x divider at anything other than stock before.

Definetly need new ram though, im at 3/4/4/10 at the moment :(
Toblaki said:
Ive been playing around today and had a bit of success - i changed the usb jumper, and gave the 510-1 bios a go, a voila, i can get to 2.65 now with 11x, i couldnt use the 11x divider at anything other than stock before.

Definetly need new ram though, im at 3/4/4/10 at the moment :(

well done mate.just keep working at it and should get better.have you tweaked the rest of the memory timings yet?well worth doing with TCCD.

those 2x1gb sticks do sound nice though, get ready for those RAM intensive stuff thats to come(well its started but not so much so atm).
Just wondering guys, next week I'll have a lot of time to actually start o/cing my setup on air and Im pretty certain Im gonna toast my SPAW (first real o/cing adventure - what happened to yours Jimbo?) - if I do what would be a good successor to it - 3200+ Venice, 3700+ SD or should I just get a X2 4400+?

Might aswell be ready for the consequence's of letting a fool near it...

ps3ud0 :cool:
sorry caps on and cba retyping tired.
as if i can talk though going from s754 clw,to s939 newcastle, then winnie,then venice and now with san :p

but if you do upgrade get the diego cos they all clock very well at much cheapness. ;)
Its not that I want to upgrade but Ive got a sneaky feeling Ill do something to the BIOS and not realise Ive put too much voltage somewhere or something and watch it die at my feet (all this about the DFI actually pumping more voltage than you specify and so forth - might have wrong end of stick).

Just being realistic and thinking of a Plan Z - If Im prepared for the worst then it aint gonna happen is it ;)

Ive just upgraded from a dying 1.2GHz Tbird-C, so stock has had me wowed for a few weeks - now I have the time I want to see what my setup will do. Hopefully Ive made sure Ive got no weak link regards to components (better not have - spent enough :p)

I think Ill make a thread if I do have questions, rather than contiminating this one with noobish questions...


ps3ud0 :cool:
nah dfi pumps less than what the BIOS says so no worries there plus with the Xp-120)pana you should be safe with the SPAW to about 1.65-1.7V so good headroom to get it running fast.if you kill it i say get a 3700SD.
Ive been having more playage today, runs fine at about 2.7ghz - so thats where im starting at for getting my timings tighter. I can run at 300fsb 9x300 with a 166 divider, but have put it back to 246 so i dont have to do that, i really want 2gb of ram, so im kinda stinkpalmed at the moment until some good matched pairs of that come out.
monkeygabriel said:
nah dfi pumps less than what the BIOS says so no worries there plus with the Xp-120)pana you should be safe with the SPAW to about 1.65-1.7V so good headroom to get it running fast.if you kill it i say get a 3700SD.

It is true the DFI undervolts by about 0.025v (on my system anyway). e.g. right now with my new chip, I've set 1.4 in the BIOS, but getting 1.376 actual.

Also, I would not go as high as 1.7v. I killed my last chip by using 1.72 (1.7 actual). :eek: And that's on a very good watercooling setup.
Jimbo Mahoney said:
It is true the DFI undervolts by about 0.025v (on my system anyway). e.g. right now with my new chip, I've set 1.4 in the BIOS, but getting 1.376 actual.

Also, I would not go as high as 1.7v. I killed my last chip by using 1.72 (1.7 actual). :eek: And that's on a very good watercooling setup.

i was just giving an example of what sort of range.i beleive unless you are phase change cooling you see very little difference in overclock at 1.7V than you would on 1.65V as you are near the ceiling clockwise by then, on A64 anyways. bartons scaled much better.
With my extensive mucking about, ive found 1.45v to be the sweet spot - with my SD at 2.7, it hits 48C at full load with the arctic freezer. When i go up to 1.475, the full load jumps up to 57-58C.
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