MR.B said:Thanks for the link.
So with that memory divider it seems i will have to run the FSB higher to get around 200mhz on the memory.. like 10x240 = 2400mhz with 9/10 (180) divider .. but would i need to do anything else to get it running ok at that? would i have to increase CPU voltage? or lower the HT?
MR.B said:What is the option called to change the HT multi? is it 'LTD/FSB frequency ratio' ?
MR.B said:how do i increase CPU voltage? mines at stock right now (1.26v), i dont want to icrease it much (if at all) 'cause i'm on air cooling but what would be good so i could reach 2.5ghz on a 4400+ ? 1.29v?