Official DFI NF4Ultra-D/SLi owners thread.

I'd just like to say that despite the concerns voiced on this board my DFI Ultra-D is working flawlessly. It did require an BIOS update to recognise the 4400+, but that was accomplished easily by booting with one stick in slot 1 (top yellow). It's a great board and despite not overclocking yet I'm sure my Raptor is working faster than it did on my A8V.

i'll be going for this rev of board than waiting till october ish time for the next. new rev = newprobs. this boards probs have a fairly large wealth of info to dig into and a tonne of users (here and dfi-street) to get help from. cant wait till sep time now to get it :D
Im gonna bite the bullet and take the new memory back ( prob 20% restocking fee ) and buy a 2GB match pair and sell the other pair of 512s ive got. After reading about a bit deeper i dont think im ever gonna get 4 sticks stable here. Shame cos otherwise ive had no problems with this board. Overclocks well and very stable.
How do i get my RAM to run a 200mhz when i turn the FSB up? i'm running at 11x217 at the moment, when i go to 219FSB the system sometimes locks up in games. I'm sure it's because of my Value RAM i'm using (2x1gb)
Whats to option called exactly to set it at 200mhz? its on Auto at the moment...
RAM is Geil Value RAM 3200, board is DFI NF4 SLI-DR, RAM voltage at 2.7v, using a 4400+ with WinXP pro
In your bios go to Genie. Then into the 1st option DRAM Config...then into DRAM Frequency set (should be at the top) and that's where you set your Ram Divider.

There's plenty of guides that will step you through the maths, but it's pretty straight fwd. eg. if you had your FSB (HTT) set to 266MHZ with a 10x multi (CPU = 2660MHz) and you wanted to run your ram at ~200MHz, then you would set your divider at 4:3 (150) ratio.

Simple hey?

Edit: ratio back to's been a big day...
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Youll definitely need to use mem dividers as you cant hold the RAM @ 200Mhz while o/cing - the dividers will just run your mem at a ratio compared to your FSB (217Mhz ATM).

Ive not used mem dividers so Im unsure what options you will have, but for example if it was 4/3 it means you RAM would run at 163Mhz instead - just find the mem divider that gets you near enough to 200 and slightly above before the RAM affects your o/c.

If you get your CPU to 267FSB the 4/3 ratio will make your RAM run at 200Mhz on the nose - just double check which ratios you have to work with and do a bit of simple math to find out which is best after youve found your CPUs limits...

EDIT: Adama beat me to it - it is a standard o/cing feature so many guides will have this info, just do a quick search...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Thanks for the link.

So with that memory divider it seems i will have to run the FSB higher to get around 200mhz on the memory.. like 10x240 = 2400mhz with 9/10 (180) divider .. but would i need to do anything else to get it running ok at that? would i have to increase CPU voltage? or lower the HT?
Only whatever you need to do to get the CPU stable at that speed (and keep the HTT under 1000Mhz) - as youll be running the RAM below 217Mhz you shouldnt have to touch anything regards that other than perhaps tighten timings as far as you can by the time youve reached the highest o/c you can get.

I already presume you have tried to increase the RAM voltage to see if you can get higher than 217Mhz...

Check some A64 o/c guides - usually best to find out the best o/cs for RAM and CPU 'independently' by making sure the other isnt limiting it...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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MR.B said:
Thanks for the link.

So with that memory divider it seems i will have to run the FSB higher to get around 200mhz on the memory.. like 10x240 = 2400mhz with 9/10 (180) divider .. but would i need to do anything else to get it running ok at that? would i have to increase CPU voltage? or lower the HT?

Not quite - if you wanted to run your RAM as close to 200MHz with a 9/10 (180) divider, then your FSB would be somwhere around 2220 (or close).

You may have to up your Ram voltage to around 2.7v. Make sure your HT multi NEVER exceeds 1000MHz in total (safely use x3 or x4).

Did you read Saftlad's link? It's all in there buddy....
Why should my HT multi never exceed 1000MHz?

I'll mess around in a minute.. i want my CPU running at 2.4ghz with mem at 200mhz so i'd have to have 10x240 with 180 divider to get that wouldnt i?

Also i noticed you have the same memory as i do Adama, whats the most you got it running at if you have overclocked it?
Use the next divider down, 5:6 (166) that will be spot on for your 2.4GHz.

See my other posts - I'm having some divider problems of my own atm...

The best I can do is 2450MHz on a 180 divider (mem currently sitting at about 222MHz). It's far from ideal and not stable in Prime.

But my baby's still new ;)
Cheers for all the help :)

Last two questions for now, promise...

What is the option called to change the HT multi? is it 'LTD/FSB frequency ratio' ?

and last question, how do i increase CPU voltage? mines at stock right now (1.26v), i dont want to icrease it much (if at all) 'cause i'm on air cooling but what would be good so i could reach 2.5ghz on a 4400+ ? 1.29v?
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MR.B said:
What is the option called to change the HT multi? is it 'LTD/FSB frequency ratio' ?

Yep, you can run HT at 1200-1300MHz on the DFI if you're lucky but there is little benefit in doing so.

MR.B said:
how do i increase CPU voltage? mines at stock right now (1.26v), i dont want to icrease it much (if at all) 'cause i'm on air cooling but what would be good so i could reach 2.5ghz on a 4400+ ? 1.29v?

On the same screen as the HT Multi, there is two options, Startup Voltage and another voltage option immediately under the volt meters for setting the voltage (plus another one below that for the +3, 10, 13% etc).

Set the second one to the voltage you want and match the Startup voltage to it. On air with a X2 you shouldn't need to use the overvoltage options but merely the 0.025V step increases the standard voltages offer (upto 1.55V or whatever you feel comfortable with).

So if i set it to 1.3v will that be ok for air cooling?
in the CPU VID control option (which is the second option you mentioned) do i set it to 1.3v or would that be +1.3v on top of what its already set to?.. i just have to be totally sure, dont want to kill this CPU...
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