Official DFI NF4Ultra-D/SLi owners thread.

speeduk said:
It the HTT multiplier @ 3? If its @ 4 or 5 then it will give errors and could be holding you back. Could you also check at stock settings 200htt and 200mhz ram?

the htt is set at 3 ,i ll check it at stock right now
ok , memtest is ok at stock speeds, but it fails when near to 300 fsb, even with a divider , im a bit of a novice so i dont know whats wrong , im sure this chip can do a lot more
speeduk said:
Maybe try raising the chipset or HTT voltage a tad. Think you may have a below average DFI mobo.

tried it, no joy :(

it wont pass prime 95 with the blend test, but seems to be doing ok with the in-place , this is at 280 fsb 2/3 divider

i find it weird it fails memtest at around 300fsb even with a divider though :confused:
Does anyone know what the floppy power cable socket is used for thats located under the cpu,ive only just noticed this and have only been running my board with the 24pin /12v / molex on the board for over 4 months and not had a floppy power cable plugged into the socket,does anyone know what it powers .etc .etc

J273 said:
Does anyone know what the floppy power cable socket is used for thats located under the cpu,ive only just noticed this and have only been running my board with the 24pin /12v / molex on the board for over 4 months and not had a floppy power cable plugged into the socket,does anyone know what it powers .etc .etc

You are supposed to have both the floppy and molex connector below the CPU socket plugged in for stability purposes. In fact DFI will not support any issues without these being plugged in first to eliminate that as a possible cause of a problem you may have. Hope that helps :).
kaiserftw said:
The motherboard just wont power up... Dont know what else to do...
sometimes i have to turn on the psu, wait a bit, then press the power button... sometimes i then have to turn the psu off, wait a sec, turn it back on, wait a bit, then press the power button, or then hold it down for a bit, then wait, then press it...

kinda like trying to jump-start it lol... i've almost **** my pants thinking i've killed my cpu's on more than one occassion tho lol
which one controls the voltage???


Just got my board yesterday and I'm trying to adjust the voltage thats going into the CPU. Got a X2 4400.

In the Genie Bios settings there are.

CPU VID Startup Value = Startup
CPU VID Control = Auto
CPU Vid Control Special = Auto

According to the bios the cpu is running at 1.33v

If I want to increase it because of my overclocking which value do I choose to alter? They arent very descriptive and I'm rather confused.

Many thanks

My understanding of what the Startup Value is, is that it's the value first applied to the core.

The two of interest are the VID Control and the Special.

You use the VID control to set a base voltage between 0.8V and 1.55V and you can also use the Special to increase that voltage further by a % overvolt.

thanks I adjusted the startup voltage and it did what I wanted =)

I just noticed my chipset is running at 46-47 degree's, is this an ok temp?

I can get the X2 4440 from 2.2ghtz to 2.6ghtz and my OCZ PC3200 2x1GB sticks upto 236mhtz I'm not sure if I can push the memory further?

Btw what does the hyper transport link do I've got it running on a multiplier of 3x at 708mhtz.


Yeah that chipset temp is healthy enough but you might not get much more out of the memory, though you can only try.

Hypertransport is basically an internal bus on the CPU I think, you can increase the multiplier there to x4 without any worries and it might give a wee boost.

Thanks Jokester.

Any advice what I can do with the memory? I've tried playing with the, tras, trcd and a few others but I just seem to make it worse. I've read the posts on the what the different memory timings mean but I'm still a little lost.

Is 236mhtz a fairly good overclock on the memory?

I can link some CPU-Z screen shots.


I just got my system build yesterday after getting the long awaited Opteron CPU. Went to power on and nothing, checked all cables etc checked memory, gcard etc then tried again, still nothing. Stripped the computer and put the motherboard on top of the box, plugged in the bare essentials tried again and still nothing. Only thing am getting is the orange standby LED and when I push the power on button the DRAM LED flashes then goes dead but its as if the system isn't even trying to boot.

Its the SLi-DR and ive tried everything but nothing is working, is this a dead motherboard or would the proper Clear CMOS work as suggested in another guide, anyone any experience with this and if so how did you fix it?

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