Well, a slow, quiet 80mm fan from my old antec case and a bit of good 'ol blue tack has dropped my PWM temps below 40C even under maximum load (that's almost a 30C improvement, just from a fan!). The fain is pointing mainly at the memory anyway, but the mosfets get a fair blasing from it.
My chipset temps still get up to 50C though, and that's with the fan on full (edit - got it up to 55C with case on, 3dm03 at full pelt for a few runs). Pointing a big fan straight at it made little difference either... I guess I need to take of the HS and re-apply Arctic Silver, but tbh I don't feel like expending the effort... it's always a pain to do everything 'vertical' in the vapochill case, and I'd have to remove the PSU, graphics cards etc as well before I could get to it.
Am I likely to be experiencing instability from a chipset temperature ~50C at all, do you think? Also, exactly how much of a temp drop have people seen by adding AS5 to the chipset heatsink?