Official DFI NF4Ultra-D/SLi owners thread.

Why x850xtpe vivo

I am going 850xt pe vivo for several reasons,
1. No VIVO with any 6800 ultra's
2.Cheaper an as fast if not faster in some cases
3.Hoping in a year or 2,(If sli proves itself), I will go that route with 2 GFX's
4. As you can see by my spec's I am spending a bob or 2, an the extra £40or£50 for the DR is not much in the scheme of thing's.
Your comment's are welcome,
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I dont believe SLI is worth getting yet - tho I find it an interesting idea, so not getting a SLI board might be foolhardy for me in the long-run - as the DFI board is probably gonna be the best board on this socket (Im not expecting to re-upgrade until the next dual-core socket - ATI mobos may interest me tho) I might aswell invest in it...

Also the price difference between a PCI-X 6800 ultra and x850xt pe is amazing, even tho the ATI is probably better - tho as with x800xt pe its slighter harder to source. My friend with an AGP 6800 ultra has told me to go for it instead aswell.

Im also getting 3 SATA drives straight away - so keeping to just 4 SATA2 ports is pushing it - also Ill probably get converters for the opticals to improve airflow - a nice benefit of those spare SATA ports...

Also the newer OCZ PSUs have a better efficiency with active PFC - not as good as Noisetakers I guess. As they both will draw the power required for the PC I guess the OCZ will draw a few more quid more each month/quarter - nothing in reality really - Ill shower more than bathe :p...

Also then you have to consider ac ripple and other qualities of PSU sometimes you forget to consider - ability to have adjustable pots is very useful for overclocking, as not all PSUs give you the correct rail voltage out of the box or drop a bit too much for comfort on load - tho again the Noisetaker shouldnt be one of those, but useful when your tweaking a good overclock - THG changed their reference PSU for this reason...

The XP-120 fits on the DFI (just :p), and if its isnt the best cooler, its flexible enough to be either a very good cooler or extremely quiet - whatever you decide - also with my airflow setup (please dont ask me to explain - I will seriously bore you) it fits in perfectly...

Im still considering my DVDRW - seems a lot of compromises at the moment - leaning towards plextor for their quality myself...

ps3ud0 :cool:
ps3ud0 said:
(please dont ask me to explain - I will seriously bore you) i

ps3ud0 :cool:

Everyone should take his advice, he will.

My biggest question is how stable is this board? I remember the likes of Anandtech reviewing my current board and then loads of people found there were problems, hope it doesn’t prove to be the same with this one. A part of me says, yes upgrade your motherboard and mem/ graphics but I think its still too soon for me, however if I hear that this board turns out as good as its suppose to be I may well be tempted, I could sell my stuff for a decent amount and so shouldn’t be too out of pocket (I hope), Decisions decisions. I think its worth getting the SLI (even if there is a longer wait) purely for the fact that you can choose to SLI at a later date, this applies even more for the people who aren’t going to upgrade for a while
I suggest you read the whole thread rlm - give you a good idea what the fuss is about/worth it for you - I doubt the dfi will set alight tho ;)

Is the karajan module comparable to Audigy 2 ZS - I thought only Soundstorm was that near - as I understand it the chipset it uses is inferior to the onboard that the asus a8n uses (realtek 850 vs realtek 880 I think) - any comments?

I might get Audigy 4 Pro - just unsure...

ps3ud0 :cool:
The 880 is stil an AC97, so it will still suck CPU cycles, a live5.1 would be a better option if your a gamer, otherwise the Karajan is very good.
can anyone tell me how to use winflash?I'm not sure if I should be flashing the bootsector and/or the dmi area and whether I should clear the cmos before/after. I tried googling it but couldn't really find much....

Yup I just do the bootsector and thats it. You should probably clear the cmos afterwards but I rarely bother.

One tip, only flash when 100% prime stable, not worth risking a bad flash.
current setup:
1 * 200GB SATA
2* 80 GB PATA

I've installed windows on the SATA and one of the PATA's has my old windows on. This was fine before flashing, but after, no matter what BIOS settings I use, it always tried to boot from the PATA. I've thus flashed it back to the old version... nothings exactly wrong so I guess I'm fine with this version for now,, at least until I've finished transferring everything I need from my old windows install and can thus format that partition...

fini said:
current setup:
1 * 200GB SATA
2* 80 GB PATA

I've installed windows on the SATA and one of the PATA's has my old windows on. This was fine before flashing, but after, no matter what BIOS settings I use, it always tried to boot from the PATA. I've thus flashed it back to the old version... nothings exactly wrong so I guess I'm fine with this version for now,, at least until I've finished transferring everything I need from my old windows install and can thus format that partition...


Have you set the drive priority in the Bios?
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yep I did all that etc. and the settings seemed to stick, but the newest bios just payed no attention to them.. as I said I'm pretty happy on this version for now though.

hi been reading this thread from the start and have noticed that nobody seems to be using Corsair 1GB DDR XMS3200XL Platinum TwinX or very few is there any problems with it on this board? was planing getting sum.
Duff-man had a problem with it only doing CAS 2 and refusing to boot at anything else. Corsair have moved to the Brainpower PCBs now though so it should be great on this board.
Thanks for the tips on uninstalling the forceware etc, worked a treat. I've got it all in a case now and added an EXOS, (CPU and both 6800gts) and it runs a treat at stock. Nice to be getting a 100fps at 1600x1200 ultra in doom3 :) . One thing I'm not having much luck with though is overclocking. The card's won't overclock in nvtweak at all. Also I tried using Clockgen to up the CPU and it crashed 3dmark at 217, very poor. Any suggestions for things I could try? I've got latest BIOS, ram in orange slots and got the extra molex plugged into the board. I should also mention that I've never overclocked before. Many Thanks.
Roch said:
Thanks for the tips on uninstalling the forceware etc, worked a treat. I've got it all in a case now and added an EXOS, (CPU and both 6800gts) and it runs a treat at stock. Nice to be getting a 100fps at 1600x1200 ultra in doom3 :) . One thing I'm not having much luck with though is overclocking. The card's won't overclock in nvtweak at all. Also I tried using Clockgen to up the CPU and it crashed 3dmark at 217, very poor. Any suggestions for things I could try? I've got latest BIOS, ram in orange slots and got the extra molex plugged into the board. I should also mention that I've never overclocked before. Many Thanks.

You're using a 3800+

At an fsb speed of 217 you're running at 2.6Ghz - which is a good top-end overclock for a Newcastle on air cooling. If you're wanting to hit the high fsb speeds, you'll want to drop down the multiplier (say to 10*260).

You can't expect the same kinds of percentage overclock from the higher-rated CPUs as from the low-end ones. Also, the Winchesters are overclocking very well at the moment, and only a very small number of newcastles can keep up.

As for the GTs - it seems surprising that they won't overclock at all... my GTs are both pretty crappy clockers, but I can still get them to 380/1100. Have you tried using rivatuner? That's the utility I'm using to change my clock speed settings.
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I'm using Corsair XMS4400 CS2.5 if that's any help.... 2x512MB to be exact.No problems so far, although I did have to give them 3v according to the bios, but as many have already posted, either the bios is not setting the voltage correctly or reporting it wrong?!?
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