Nope.Any news on when the Vulkan patch is due?
I really wouldn't worry too much about it, though. It might improve minimum framerates in the small few areas where the game seems a bit CPU-limited, but it's not going to provide this magical performance boost that I think some are expecting.
Where did you see this? The vid I saw showed Vulkan-based footage with 60fps capped and then uncapped, but no direct comparison to how it ran in DX11.From what I could see of the 1080 demo it looked like it was having a fairly decent impact - pulling framerates from something like 130 to 170 in non CPU limit areas and from 50s to 90s in some CPU limited bits.
Talk is it is somewhere around 3-4 weeks away but that isn't official.
Can't find the video off the top of my head - there is one with a couple of developers and someone from either AMD or nVidia talking which shows runs with and without Vulkan in the background. From some rough guesses as the video cuts a bit from showing it at times it looks like around 30% performance uplift in non CPU limited scenarios and 60-65% in situations where there is API bottlenecks.
Something not right there - could be some weird issue with V-Sync.
I get some very weird performance though - at 1080p with ultra my 780 rarely drops below 60fps - most of the time 70-100 even in the parts like hell where people talk about it killing performance - the only drops I've seen is when close to some of the gore nests in the foundry where it drops to 55fps but feels laggier than that and likewise at the first bit of the argent tower level where you go out over the pipeline - at the very start it drops to ~55fps and feels laggy until killing the first revenant then it suddenly recovers. But at 1440p it totally takes a dive with any settings rarely above 40fps even with all low.
While playing on the 970 even at 1440p ultra it mostly runs well but sometimes get some stutter and slowdowns i.e. with certain explosions in situations the 780 handles fine.
I love this but they've done the cheap boss thing of having you fight the same boss twice in a row.
Urgh, any developers reading - do not do this! It comes across as plain lazy.
I liked the bosses, they made them more like raid bosses. They change up the mechanics as the fight goes on.