****Official Doom 4 Thread****

They are brighter and colours are more saturated. Surface textures don't appear as sharp but need to see 4K screens of these new ones to confirm that.

But right now, not overly ecstatic going by those new shots. Here's to the BETA and seeing it for myself I guess... Whenever that may be.
Did a quick and dirty edit to remove some of the over-saturation and bump the lighting contrast - looks a lot more doom like IMO even with fairly subtle changes.


The others are the same as well - knock out some of the over-saturation boost the lighting contrast to get some blacks back in and it looks loads better.
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Those flying demon things in the second image look a bit odd now.

I thought the Cacodemons looked a bit over saturated, though I've also wondered if the environmental lighting in the videos would have been partly responsible (naturally wash out colour due to the brightness of the area). I would like to see a balance between the two. I guess it depends on whether the devs wished to go down a more arcade route or not, which traditionally until Doom 3 appeared, was the order of the day for Doom.
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screenshots you can never rely on. some may be took off console versions.some maybe in dev builds.some maybe the magazine editior ps tweaks.
Yeah the screenshots aren't all that bad considering all the manipulation they could have gone through and if the screen isn't calibrated properly either when the screenshot is taken would have a similar affect.

The only thing that bothers me watching the videos of new footage is the lack of blood and body parts compared to what has previous been shown. When a bullet shreds the body of the enemy I was expecting flesh to be flying and blood to oozing out the holes. Most the enemies apart from finishing moves just absorbed the hits till they died.

I mean the shotgun hits in the gameplay 2 video for instance, they have a little blood that comes out when a hit is registered but there was no loss of flesh or body parts. No destruction of your enemy. The larger enemies show no real hits from the machine guns or anything tbh. That is the one thing that it's missing that could be taken from something like KF2 which that does pretty well tbh.
Blood and body parts you say? Watch the new campaign trailer above! Ultimately that's the only thing I care about with Doom, and to that end it appears to satisfy quite a bit.
the colour pallete looks so much better in this video as i remember the original video looking very washed out for a Doom reboot.

Deffo excited for this :) also that gore looks so epic
I have watched it but it's still mainly the finishing moves that show the gore side of it all stringed together for the promotional video.

They still have bullet sponge mode other than the shotgun on the smaller creatures. At least on all over videos shown so far.
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