I was hopeful after playing the alpha that they'd just make it faster and job done, perfect 2016 quake 3 successor. Sadly ID learned nothing from RAGE and instead went down a quasi call of duty style route with a game thats definitely aimed at console users over all others. The enforced mouse acceleration, 60fps lock and 2 weapon max rubbish from halo games are insulting. The game feels damn slow also in terms of movement, even with rocket jumping! The demon rune is the dumbest thing I've seen implemented into a skill based FPS as well as it just ruins anything it gets near until its low health. Why didn't they just make it a more mobile player with a BFG style weapon from quake 3, instead of a flying boss style enemy with a silly amount of health whilst still being dangerous.
This game honestly removes any sort of skill required to play the game. The people that say it reminds them of quake 3 from the beta onwards are talking rubbish.
feels a lot like a halo gameplay wise imo, Wish it was more violent since its a doom game, Im enjoying it but cant see the multiplayer holding my interest for long
Also the narrator seriously needs to be changed its awful
Should have kept the normal one really..
Guys I just have to ask, am I the only one experiencing this Doom beta as a flickering mess? The game is quite literally flickering and stuttering both in the menu's and in game, and 10 minutes playing has left me with a terrible headache, eyestrain and I quite literally feel like I am going to throw up
It wouldnt even run at my native resoltuion of 1440p so I had to play it at 1080p. The game just looked terrible, nothing like what I am seeing on the Xbone lets play videos - is it just me?
I think I might just go throw up now for real!![]()
Thank god for that. 60hz (once youve tried 120hz) is eye wateringly bad and was a deal breaker for me.
Ive noticed the customised weapons dont show in game either, spent ages messing around with the super shotgun only for the standard model to be used in game.
Game wasn't locked at 60hz just 60fps my game used 144hz my Monitor software confirmed that. 144hz @60fps
If you are using G-Sync/FreeSync it syncs the refresh and framerate.
I really want to like this game, at times it could be quite enjoyable but I just keep coming back to the fact that it just doesn't have the movement of Quake 3 and atleast in the beta aiming is really clunky.