****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Loving the single player. The lack of hand holding is a nice welcome change to FPS and the difficulty feels about right. Starts off fairly mundane but the further you go into it, the more punishment you'll take as the enemies start to get extremely hard to kill, making weapon switching an absolute must.

Prime example was leaving a summoner alive for too long for it to spawn 6 hell knights :(
all on low 70+ fps on my 970 at 3440x1440.. am waiting for 1080 to be released...

enjoyed first MP game and like SP game atm dont really care about gfxs as im gonna focus on MP mostly was a massive quake fan and this has same kinda feel to it..

removed mouse accel too helped a lot and game is super smooth with gsync..
Actually want to give this a shot. Looks like mindless fun even if it won't be a classic. Anyone know if this has SLI support?

In the past this engine hasn't supported it and I suspect one 970 at 1440p won't get the game running as I want. SLI on the other hand....
Only really played about 30 or so mins of this, but its very similar to the FPS of old and for me, this is a good thing.

Seems changing graphical options in game can be a little buggy with graphical performance (for me anyways).

Initial load up on 2 x 980s in SLI had performance at around the 50 FPS mark (ultra detail). I should be smoking it

Quit, reload.....back up to 60 consistently. 780 users have moaned about this bug as well it seems.

The new Nvidia drivers (due today?) might fix it?
Well he liked the beta so its no surprise there ;)
all my issues with doom and massive random frames drops vanish with sli disabled LMFAO.....

i hope they fix this with 365.19 drivers.

Sli works fine for me, get drops to 60 during cutscenes, assume they are capped. but rest of time its high fps and butter smooth
Buttery smooth at 2K resolution on my spec listed in sig...

Most of all however, I'm having an absolute blast with it :) Ridiculously fast paced and really challenging, not on Nightmare difficulty but one below, it's tough alright!
Really punishing my 970 at 1440p :D

FPS barely 60 with a load of settings at medium, drivers had SLI profile set to 'Force AFR2' but didn't seem to really help with FPS. GPU usage was high (80%+) but they cards were boosting to their individual speeds instead of the lowest cards.

About 4 hours into the SP and really enjoying it...
Anyone playing this with a Fury based card at 1440p? Just had a very quick blast before I head out and getting 30fps (feels locked?) in the opening scene with settings mostly high/medium - doesn't seem right?
What's the crossfire scaling like on this? Running 2x 7950 and wondering if I'll manage 1440p/60fps/high settings.

I don't think your gonna have much luck with high setting maybe a mixed if your lucky. See a few pages back with the guys with 2x980ti's or above with the guy with one fury.
Anyone playing this with a Fury based card at 1440p? Just had a very quick blast before I head out and getting 30fps (feels locked?) in the opening scene with settings mostly high/medium - doesn't seem right?
I run it @1440p and never went below 60fps, only had about 30 mins on it but it runs very smooth.
I changed:
Motion Blur --> low
Depth of field --> off
Film grain --> off

Most other settings are High/Ultra, af = 8x. Using 16.3 driver.
Anyone playing this with a Fury based card at 1440p? Just had a very quick blast before I head out and getting 30fps (feels locked?) in the opening scene with settings mostly high/medium - doesn't seem right?

Try disabling Vsync and make sure to use 16.5.2 which is our game ready Doom driver. When Vulkan comes expect a nice uplift in performance AMD users!

Fired it up this morning and had a quick blast, love it so far! Wish i didn't have to stop to do work otherwise i could carry on playing all day. Will save it for later. :cool:

Fury X
4K Maximum Settings (x8 TSSAA)
Motion Blur/Film Grain/Vsync disabled
Everything else maxed out
39-60FPS FreeSync helping keep things smooth


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Is this any good then? Not a single sign of any reviews online which is very worrying. Normally means they've been paid to hold off slating it while they sell a few copies.

How will it run at 1440p on a gtx780?
Is this any good then? Not a single sign of any reviews online which is very worrying. Normally means they've been paid to hold off slating it while they sell a few copies.

It's fast furious shooting fun, though i feel it may have lost some of the scary, jump out of your seat feel from Doom 3.
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