The trick is not to get hit at all
All the weapons are projectiles that are slow enough to avoid. There's nobody shooting bullets at you that instantly hit you.
This. I'm on lv9 on hurt me plenty and so far hardly get hit at all. It's one of the easiest games I have ever played. You just jump around blasting demons to bits in one shot with the gauss rifle until it runs out and then switch to rockets. Earlier on I got the 3 shot burst for the shotgun which pretty much rekt everything in its path. Running out of ammo? whip out the chainsaw to regenerate all your ammo. If you do get hit you just do a glory kill and you're magically back to full health. It might not have regenerating health in the traditional sense, but it sort of does as glory kills are so easy to do.
Still a lot of fun, but I should have put it on the highest difficulty when i started. i'll probably do another playthrough on one of the unlocked harder difficulties.
I must be crap then as I have not finished it and find it quite a challenge on Hurt me plenty mode. I didn't get a chance to play over the weekend though and I don't want to finish this soon either. I am taking my time and relishing the level design and game play.
Even though I found 'hurt me plenty' to be quite easy, there were some moments that took a few attempts to succeed. Boss fights have never been a favourite of mine; I prefer the 'normal' enemies that you fight in the corridors / areas of hell, but even so, I still enjoyed the boss battles in this game, which is a rarity for me.
I'm getting old though and my reactions are not quite what they once were! I am stuck trying to get one of the runes. The one where you have to kill three demons and finish them from above. I get two then run out of time or die.
Wondering if its morally wrong to buy on steam to try it for 2 hrs, use the refund feature and either leave it or buy on a cd key site if i liked it
Wish demos were still a thing
Don’t think you get the double barrel shotgun that early do you? That sounds proper, not that the more modern auto shotgun isn’t pretty meaty sounding anyway (at least on my audio system!) – As for the notifications when receiving damage, this is Doom, it’s not gonna point out where damage is coming fromYou gotta be on your toes at all times.
Of course you can get a refund. Games are no different then an uncomfortable pair of trainers.
If this really is Doom, then where is the grunts when you take damage? I am not talking about getting a direction, but, you should know when you are been hit. You should also be able to tell where the enemies are with sound, but, in this, the sound is all over the place.
It's just the one thing that stood out for me on my first 30 minutes of play. The sound quality isn't that good.
Yeah but that wasn't the full question, I mean you wouldn't return the trainers to one shop and then buy the exact same pair from another shop would you?
He was saying he may get a refund and then if he likes the game buy it from a key site and register that on steam, I'm not sure if its something they look for or would care about as a one off, but its an interesting question.
Hmm, actually the question seems to be whether its morally wrong rather than whether steam will care, who knows?