****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Just started this up and it looks ******* great! :D

Mouse is horrible though, what the hell is up with that?!

edit: just noticed it's locked to 60fps.... How do i unlock?
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Just started this up and it looks ******* great! :D

Mouse is horrible though, what the hell is up with that?!

edit: just noticed it's locked to 60fps.... How do i unlock?

A quick google will tell you how to turn off smoothing :).

m_smooth 0 doesn't do what people think - and m_smoothing is usually already off - if the mouse feel is really really bad might be having problems like I have.

Turning off V-Sync unlocks the framerate but it will still cap at 60fps in the menus.

Conversely you might actually find that turning m_smoothing on and setting m_smooth to 1 or 2 and increasing sensitivity a bit will actually give a better feel.

This game was dreadful in Beta, has it got any better since it was actually released?

Single player is definitely better than the beta would indicate - I've not spent any real time playing the MP though to see if it is better than the beta.
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I just Alt-Tabbed to say that i love how visually smooth it is and with everything up max and the render set to Gritty and film grain at 2.5, it looks excellent. I'm really impressed so far.
I had about 3 crashes total, finished the game now (100% achievements) took about 20 hours. Great game, MP is trash though.
I had about 3 crashes total, finished the game now

Same here really, four crashes, and I think three of them were on one level so maybe some buggy code.

This game is stunning however - people may moan about how easy it is, but thats what Nightmare mode is for. Casual gamers these days need enemy xray vision and arrows pointing to where the damage came from. Jeez, get a surround system already and use your ******* ears! ;)
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100% on ultra violence setting.. Now to wait for 1080 to play on nightmare mode :)

Multiplayer is fun warpath is carnage games can turn so quickly..

Few things need fixing tho but nothing to game breaking.
Multiplayer is hit and miss. I find the gameplay fine in TDM when you eventually get a game and wait through the 90 second intermission.. But weapon damage is absolutely dreadful. Point blank shotgun does around 50 damage, so against someone with an armor pickup you have no chance. Think the Plasma is something stupid aswell like 9 damage per hit.. The movement is incredibly quick, but the super low weapon damage slows it right down.
Same here really, four crashes, and I think three of them were on one level so maybe some buggy code.

This game is stunning however - people may moan about how easy it is, but thats what Nightmare mode is for. Casual gamers these days need enemy xray vision and arrows pointing to where the damage came from. Jeez, get a surround system already and use your ******* ears! ;)

Don't think people are complaining so much about indication of where damage is coming from but the damage feedback - in older quake and doom games you had much better feedback of the fact you were taking damage and had some kind of idea at any point without really thinking about it what your health status was - in this game it is quite easy to get low health without really realising you are taking damage until the screen starts going red.
Don't think people are complaining so much about indication of where damage is coming from but the damage feedback - in older quake and doom games you had much better feedback of the fact you were taking damage and had some kind of idea at any point without really thinking about it what your health status was - in this game it is quite easy to get low health without really realising you are taking damage until the screen starts going red.

I mentioned this a few pages back too. Doom 1/2 you had an indication as you made a grunt / scream sound as did the enemies. Now you just sort of saunter along and take damage and even if you are close to dieing you don't really care if that makes sense.

Doom 1 / 2 you were constantly on edge and sometimes scared of pressing a button as you knew a door behind or the floor would open up and 10 imps would surround you. Or you would open a door and sidestep before knowing what was in there just in case. Now you press a button or go throuh a door and don't feel threatened, or I don't anyway.

It certainly looks nice and plays very well but its lacking the edgy Doom atmosphere of the originals unfortunately.
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woo I got my new charger through the post for my laptop, and obviously running 1080p on a native screen as opposed to my 4k monitor with my 660 it looks so much better! it's got an GTX 680m in it with a custom BIOS which sits at 4.8ghz for the memory which gives me over 150 gb/s bandwidth and the core clock is sitting at 1.1ghz wth a 1.1 volt mod temps sit at around 75 degrees (y) maxed out ultra 8x aa and I'm getting low 40s in the opening scene which is much better than my desktop 660 which gets high 20s low 30s those extra shaders and ROPS do help ey :p I am suprised tough it's roughly 35% faster I can't see why I have retested with different drivers but my 680m is doing a much better job than my old 660. going to complete on ultra violence and then nightmare when the 1080 comes out :D
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Just started this up and it looks ******* great! :D

Mouse is horrible though, what the hell is up with that?!

edit: just noticed it's locked to 60fps.... How do i unlock?

It's definitely possible to unlock the FPS. I had the same problem when I first launched it. Make sure vsync is disabled in game and if you have a gsync monitor then make sure that's enabled. I may also have had to add a couple of lines to my config file (I'm at work so can't check exactly what they were) but after that it was fine. Location of the config file is listed here: http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Doom_(2016)

Be aware though that all menus are still locked at 60fps. Check if it works in the game itself.

Also, if anyone's game runs like absolute treacle the first time you launch it, disable your iGPU. For some reason it likes to default to that.

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Anyone know of a way to either make the idsoftware / Bethesda logos run smoother at the start, or stop them altogether?

Removing boot_sequence.bik removed the videos (albeit with a lengthy wait), but the game ran terribly. Trying '-novid' in launch options did nothing. Alt+F4 seems ok, though again a lengthy pause before you get to the main menu.
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