*** Official Fallout 4 - No Spoilers Allowed ***


Very sneaky and stealthy, but you might struggle to carry loot..
Wow, Jeff Gerstmann is absolutely slamming the frame rate issues on PS4. :(


did make me chuckle... Professionals that we're meant to "trust"

I have actually found that DF in the last 12 months have really been improving their articles, guess some just do not want to believe what is written.

Its a fallout, where would a fallout, skyrim game be without the trademark stutter? I said it pages back that fallout 3 on PS3 was bad for stutter...

Doesnt mean the game is poor, and lots enjoy the fallout games, issues and all.
Apparently on XB1 there is some severe stuttering when loading new textures and that includes swapping to a weapon you haven't used for a while.

I imagine it'll get fixed/improved in a patch and that's just part of the Fallout "experience" and whilst it is a bit annoying, I don't think it'll ruin the game. If you have concerns then wait a few months, most of the worst issues will have been patched (and a few new ones added!).
Played like 6 hours now, framerate is perfectly fine on ps4. No crashes, one glitch and got stuck on screnery. Other than that it's just good old fallout :D
Cool, and how do you rate its looks? To be honest I'll find out myself soon. But after all the debate its gained over past few days I'm really interested to see it now lol

It's much better looking than 3 or new vegas. I'm enjoying it so far. Hopefully get a bit more done this evening
hoping with an ssd on my ps4 the texture loading will be quicker and so less of a stutter every now on then
Been playing most of the day and the framerate definitely drops to low 20s during indoor gunfights. Not stable at all.
Be honest, how bad is Fallout 3 these days? If I buy the GOTY will I actually be able to look passed the graphics?
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If anyone buys this from Tesco (instore) tomorrow, let me know the price. I got a £6 off $30 spend voucher the other day and now I'm free of MGS I might be tempted.
I would say yes. I replayed FO3 and New Vegas to prep me for FO4,and while its a bit dated, the gameplay still holds up.

Fallout 3 was hardly a looker when it launched tbh. It does the job and you just get lost in the world and do not notice.

Fine, I'll pick up 3 to carry on my save (got to the carrier place) years ago then play NV then pick this up after Xmas and a few patches.
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