**** Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

The Silver Shroud!!

If you want to know how to start it read the spoiler

listen to the silver Shroud radio broadcast. Near Goodneighbour

I highly recommend it. It is a brilliant quest chain!

I am doing that right this minute. Really enjoying it.

Just finished the main story, blasted through it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Going to restart now and focus on a more RP-based character, rather than running in and shooting everything in sight.
Can't find anything online about this. Any of you had trouble with quests where you do a task and it doesn't comlete. Currently in this situation and can't do anything. I'm on the dangerous minds quest. Any idea of a console command or anything to either complete or restart a quest?
there are commands for completing missions
but you have to know which mission it is.

for example the concord bug where hostiles need clearing before it continues

console then
Type in "SetStage MQ102 122", press enter.
For those stuggling with FPS I found the shadow distance tweak quite handy. Medium distance defaults to 3000, I found 6000-7000 an ok compromise:


I wish you could send companions back to their original location. Seems really odd that you can't tbh.

I just got a quest to assassinate someone. I killed their bodyguard, then they started running away, so I got my sniper rifle out and just as I was about to take the shot they ran in to a house... And set off a trap killing themselves.:D quest complete.
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update: still haven't got past it. tried setting stage not working, resetting the quest or completing it i cant seem to get the quest again or get the next quest. Any ideas?
Right, after messing around with the config and playing with the graphics until it runs well....

...the game is excellent - I'm only a couple of hours in and I'm totally obsessed with it!

Playing on hard, seems to be the best way to go.
well so far I'm 20 hours in and just starting to get a little bit bored.
I did a bit of base building but cant be bothered with that anymore, ideally I want the minutemen to move from sanctuary to another spot i can set up a base but not sure how to do that, or if its even possible.

Weapon modding was good but unless I run around spamming random items I never collect enough for it to be worthwhile.

Story is OK just want to do my own thing for a bit, and it just seems the game locations are a bit lacklustre.
How can I limit the FPS without using V-Sync? V-Sync just caps it to my monitor refresh rate and when I go indoors the game goes all fast due to the extra FPS.. Want to cap it to something like 75 but no idea how to do that..

If its anything like Bethesda's previous titles you could try adding this to the main game .ini

Enjoying it, looks great in 4K with much better acting then any previous Fallout game. Still, going back to Witcher 3 to complete last Witcher quests then onto the expansion pack, didn't think I'd be doing that for a looong time.
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