**** Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

Depth removed in the places that mattered.
Depth added in places that are irrelevant.

That is a very accurate statement.

If you can get past the lack of depth on the rpg side of the game though, the gameplay is practically identical, but updated with smoother mechanics. The game doesn't have anywhere near the depth of New Vegas, but you will be doing the same things at the end of the day. And I would say that this has the best characters of any fallout game..it is just a shame the dialogue has been butchered.

There is still the odd quest with a bit of depth to it, bit nothing in New Vegas's class.
You complain it's overwhelming and complicated then you say it's for the COD generation...which is it? Your post makes no sense. And your complaints about the UI...it's very, very similar to Fallout 3's, not sure why you're having problems.

Armor for left arm, rigth arm, left leg, etc...
New crafting/building/settlement system. To many menu's.
General navigating through pip boy and inventory.

COD generation:
Story, dialogue, ''shooting'', no more (relations) ''status'' with different ''groups'' like in New Vegas, karma gone, leveling, no more ''condition'' of items, etc.

It feels more like some shooter with a pre defined linear path, than an RPG...

Mind that this comes from someone who has played 1 of the 4 DLC's of New Vegas as the most recent Bethesda game, and before that finished 2 of the NV storylines and loved it. I will give it many more chances still and playtime, as I spent to much money on this game ( actually my most expensive game since gta5) to let it go to waste.

Just saying I feel disappointed so far, and I feel sad that I have to force myself to give it more time, and how it feels less like an RPG like I expected and more like some generic shooter so far ( I in no way hate shooters, but got bored of em after BF2, CoD4 etc...).

Hardware/gfx/bug wise I have no complaints really, I've had the odd subtitle bug, but the game runs great and looks great imho ( FO NV gfx level is good enough for me, and this is better than that, feels like FO with Skyrim gfx, and then slightly improved).
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Quite enjoyed the power armour bit, doesnt last long before it runs out of power and ammunition anyway.

Rest of the ranting is just way off the mark, its like you have not played more than half an hour. :)

You're the one who is off the mark, a lot of fans are slamming the game, metacritic, steam reviews or even critic reviews.
Someone was asking about stealth earlier- well I have got to the stage now where I can confirm that stealth is immensely satisfying:)... Just missing those kill animations that would raise it up a level.
My main gripes so far are how small and bland the world is. Also how little variation of weapons there are so far. Pretty much every weapon I find is some variation of a pipe weapon. I'm hoping there will be some unique guns and more variation further into the game.

It was great playing New Vegas and stumbling upon really cool locations miles off the beaten track. On FO4 I headed towards Diamond City and checked the map to see that I was at the other end of it :(. Really disappointed, it's removed the adventure element that i really enjoy in these types of games.
I'm enjoying this but I have a feeling in 3 month theres going to be some serious revisionist reviewing going on by the 9/10 sites and critics. Its a good game but it does have some pretty big flaws and its a step backwards for the good points and a step forwards for some pretty poor ones
I really don't see the issues what some people are saying, I've said it before and I'll say it again the game is fantastic, I am really enjoying and it's the game of the year so far for me next to GTA V and MGS V:TPP.

The graphics look lovely, the godrays and the transitioning from night to day.
The wasteland feel and the atmosphere is spot on.
The map isn't THAT small, and there are plenty of locations to discover.
UI is a bit difficult at first but you do get used to it.
Love the fact that nothing you pick up is useless and all items are used in some way.
Gun sounds effects are awesome, especially laser/fusion based ones.
Shooting mechanics are great.
The dialogue could be better though and the talking.

I really want to get it but the amount of bad reviews has put me off, have this feeling ill just be disappointed especially since i loved witcher 3 and wont be nowhere near as good

Don't put to much into reviews, you need to play it yourself to gauge an opinion. It's a great game.

My main gripes so far are how small and bland the world is. Also how little variation of weapons there are so far. Pretty much every weapon I find is some variation of a pipe weapon. I'm hoping there will be some unique guns and more variation further into the game.

It was great playing New Vegas and stumbling upon really cool locations miles off the beaten track. On FO4 I headed towards Diamond City and checked the map to see that I was at the other end of it :(. Really disappointed, it's removed the adventure element that i really enjoy in these types of games.

Plenty more guns to discover yet don't you worry ;) from nukes to alien guns, even tommy guns! if you build your stats up a bit more you can unlock the Cryolator gun which is in the Vault 111 in a glass cabinet, you can unlock it when you have enough rank. The gun freezes enemies.

Just discovered the crashed UFO and followed the green blood trail into the cave and killed the Alien and got his Alien blaster gun :) so powerful as well!
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I've just spent 2.5 hours scouring lexington and the surrounding areas. My scavenging OCD has been massively satiated! There's even cheeky hidden stuff in areas that are hard to reach. Very happy :D
Armor for left arm, rigth arm, left leg, etc...
New crafting/building/settlement system. To many menu's.
General navigating through pip boy and inventory.

COD generation:
Story, dialogue, ''shooting'', no more (relations) ''status'' with different ''groups'' like in New Vegas, karma gone, leveling, no more ''condition'' of items, etc.

Multiple pieces of armour is hardly unusual for an RPG, can't understand how that is overwhelming.

Too many menus? There is one more menu than before. The pip boy is basically the same as is the inventory.

Story and dialogue is much like 3, not sure how it is like cod at all. You still have relations, this time it is with companions though (also there are factions later) Karma again is done through companions. Levelling is hardly dumbed down. Degrading of items was always crap, it's crap in every single game and stops you using the rarer weapons.
So many complaints.lol. It's like instead of enjoying it, some people are out looking for a reason to hate on it. It's a game for god sakes... Lol.

I am now level 30 and still have not visited diamond city. I am just roaming around doing random quest together with Minutemen quests. Discovered 207 locations so far.

Tomorrow I will start brotherhood of steel as minutemen missions are become very repetitive. Never ending, oh as usual got one more mission for you... Same mission different location. Lol.

Oh and after 20+ hours I came across my first bug. I can't finish of one of the missions in the silver shroud. When ever I go to the area where I have to kill northy, the game crashes to desktop. Tried restarting my computer, verifying cache, trying to approach the area in game from many different angles, but no luck, always instant crash to desktop. I managed to kill the guy with a sniper, but to finish the mission you need to go up to his body to leave a card. So I can't complete that quest now :(

Luckily everything else works perfectly fine so far. Having a blast :D
Add me to the list of people finding it pretty disappointing.

I appreciate that any game that's so eagerly anticipated with such runaway hype behind it is always going to have it tough pleasing everyone. Also, sure, they have to try new things in order to avoid it going stale. But damn, I just can't connect with this game. I'll openly admit I've not got far into it but the fact I'm having to make myself play, hoping it'll grow on me is just not a great sign, especially as the longer I play the more frustrated and disappointed I seem to get.

So much has been taken away. Some is seemingly inconsequential, just mildly niggling but adding all these together really gets in the way of enjoyment for me. Then there are others which are big and difficult to get past at all.

The RPG elements that have been stripped out are one of the big gripes. Why did the perks have to be simplified to such an extent and why did skills have to be cut out altogether? Was I alone in enjoying designing differing skillsets for different styles of play and experimenting with that? Trying out different combinations of perks, both the tried and tested as well as the obscure and weirdly specific. I liked karma, factions, reputation following you around, all stripped out and adding to a really shallow feeling where you don't feel like you have much impact on things at all. I'm trying to get used to the voiced protagonist which is a struggle but we'll see. I have to agree that some of the dialogue thus far is terrible but it's early days.

Little niggly things? I wish the game would stop telling me exactly what's in every container before I even open it. Okay, so effectively all this change has done is take away what many would see as a superfluous key press to 'open' something and see what's inside but really, I liked it. It gave scavenging a slight uncertainty. And while I'm at it, why did repairing have to go?

One problem I'm having (and I'm genuinely wondering whether it might be a bug) is the game looking a bit naff. The textures seem to be really poor for me. Settings all say I'm using ultra for texture detail but it looks really low res for me with washed out colours. Anyone else getting this?

I just wanted to rant a little but I get that there are people that are really enjoying it and I don't want to be someone who just takes a dump on people's fun. It's great that people are enjoying it and I hope they go on to get a lot more. Just not for me right now, I'm going to be keeping a beady eye on mod sites.
there is no pleasing some people, this game is fantastic, and i was skeptical before playing it. goty easy

Eactly this.. I wasn't even skeptical about it before though It was always and instant buy for me. GOYT for me.

I just can't stop putting it down. Had a cheeky little look and play in the secret dev room to look at a few of the guns and wow they have got some awesome ones! all the power armour lined up as well mix and match parts.

Didn't look at it all though only a select few.. I don't want to ruin the game :)
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