**** Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

Quick one, when I'm out and about exploring I often get over encumbered - someone mentioned that you can deposit your gear in ANY friendly workbench/workshop/tool bench etc. and it will follow you round the wastes. Is that true? I can't afford to lose anything :p
Only around 9 hours done and bored already. Turned to finishing Ori and the Blind Forest instead.

my friend said the same Im still so on edge to get it, have you played witcher 3 ? I loved the story and dialogue in that game so much and its one of the reasons Ive not got fallout yet as the conversations are ment to be pretty crap, that said I have 260.00 in my steam account thanks to a recent cs go box opening (thank you m9 marble fade <3) so could yolo and get it anyway
Quick one, when I'm out and about exploring I often get over encumbered - someone mentioned that you can deposit your gear in ANY friendly workbench/workshop/tool bench etc. and it will follow you round the wastes. Is that true? I can't afford to lose anything :p

You'll need the Local Leader perk and a few settlers assigned to trade routes between your bases for that.

This, and to get around it when I'm at a non immersion breaking point i just fast travel back to my main hub, transfer all just and un-needed weapons and then fast travel back to where i left off.
Talking about Dogmeat, I kinda lost him lol. Sent him back to Sanctuary (or so I thought) but he's not there, looked at the Red Rocket; also not there. Don't want to use the console command to get him back in case it stops my achievements??

I had the same - little bugger was hiding in a kennel which I didn't knew existed (yellow building, truck outside, building has caved in roof. Turn left out of your old house front door, follow street, last house on the left, out back is a dog kennel, he goes in there).
The console bug is really hampering my enjoyment of the game so far. I'm having to force vsync on and put my desktop res at 60 (from 144) to make the game actually work. Due to that though it really doesn't feel smooth at all :(
my friend said the same Im still so on edge to get it, have you played witcher 3 ? I loved the story and dialogue in that game so much and its one of the reasons Ive not got fallout yet as the conversations are ment to be pretty crap, that said I have 260.00 in my steam account thanks to a recent cs go box opening (thank you m9 marble fade <3) so could yolo and get it anyway

The story dialogue itself is fine, and generally very good imo. It is the dialogue system that is rubbish...but tbh it is very similar to TW3 in terms of you pick a paraphrased version of what the main character will say(and then he says something having no relation to it).
Tried playing the game yet Neil or still too busy hating?

" Guess "


Hey Beth, you forgot to put in those textures :D

At the big warehouse place and into the city, BIG frame rate drops where there shouldn't be, as it goes from 70 to 48 then back up to 70 with a slight move to the right. Plus the textures look like utter ****.

yup, still had no drops below 60fps or any weird texture issues on an i7 2600k gtx970.

I honestly get that some of you guys are having issues with it, but having a vendetta against the game as two of you seem to have is getting boring now, possibly a PICNIC fault????
yup, still had no drops below 60fps or any weird texture issues on an i7 2600k gtx970.

I honestly get that some of you guys are having issues with it, but having a vendetta against the game as two of you seem to have is getting boring now, possibly a PICNIC fault????

Yep that's right, it's all my fault as every other game is flawless including the incredible The Witcher 3 :)

Look I know you love the game and it's the best thing ever to grace your harddrive, but a vast majority on a number of forums including this one have negative things to point out. You should see RPGCodex :eek:
It's Bethesda.
It's week one.

It's a few fps drops and some low resolution textures here and there.

I got a random fps drop into the 15's, I restarted my game and it solved itself, I didn't scream to the rest of the world that this game is broken and unacceptable, I just got on with it.

This thread has turned into trash and it's evident who keeps the hate train running which has become boring and annoying.

Please stop playing the game.
It's 2:30 am and I need to go to bed... but I've too much to do in Boston!

I've found a nice little route of quests that take me from the east side of boston wall the way to the centre. Starts at

"Good neighbors", if anyone is interested

If it turns out thats the only route, I came across it by chance. :D
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Same. Can do it all again tomorrow though, I've taken the week off work for it!
Awesome. I was almost on a (coincidental) week off, but jobs came up at work which I wasn't too fussed about. Now I am. I would love to spend the week roaming


** I could care less **

It should be 'couldn't care less'


I would imagine (hope) it was written that way purposefully to poke a bit of fun, rather than the team getting it wrong.
my friend said the same Im still so on edge to get it, have you played witcher 3 ? I loved the story and dialogue in that game so much and its one of the reasons Ive not got fallout yet as the conversations are ment to be pretty crap, that said I have 260.00 in my steam account thanks to a recent cs go box opening (thank you m9 marble fade <3) so could yolo and get it anyway

If you played Fallout 3/NV you will like it. Even the advert says welcome home and its right...its like Ive never been away :)
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